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The Adorable Twin’s Sticky Daddy novel Chapter 132

Dorothy was about to explode in rage, realizing that she had never been insulted like this in her entire life.

"You bitch! Just wait and see, Doris! I may not be able to do something to Nancy now that Charles is protecting her, but you...you're no one! I won't let you off the hook!"

"Humph! I don't need anyone to watch my back. I'm not scared of you." Doris rolled up her sleeves as she spoke. Then, boasting an arrogant smug, she continued, "You wanna fight? Come on! Bring it on!"

"You, humph!" Dorothy belted those words as she stamped her foot and walked away with the almost unconscious Charles.

Meanwhile, Doris just merely watched Dorothy's sullen back as the latter disappeared. And when the former finally entered the room, her sight was graced with Jay passed out on the sofa.

'Just how much did they drink?' she thought, looking at the bottles.

"Hey, Jay, wake up, wake up..." Doris called, slightly nudging his arm.

"Huh?! What are you doing?" Jay mumbled, but his eyes remained shut.

Fortunately, Doris was quite a big woman who had a sturdy build. If it was Nancy, she would not be able to support Jay at all.

"You jerk! What do you think I will do to you? Of course, I'm gonna take you home!" she cursed, trying to lift him up. Placing his arm on her shoulder while she supported his torso, Doris slowly guided him out of the bar.

Although she wanted to take him home, Doris had no idea where he actually lived. Thinking about it now, she had known him for quite some time, but his address never really popped in any of their conversations.

Besides, even if she knew his sister, Sarah, she might be asleep at this time, so Doris decided not to disturb her.

So, left with no choice, she had to drive him to her small apartment. As soon as she arrived and unlocked the door, Doris threw Jay on the sofa.

Frustration was written all over her face as she stood in front of him with both hands leaning on her waist.

"How much did you drink? You reek of alcohol!" she ranted while opening the window to let some fresh air in. Then, she poured a glass of water for him.

As a doctor, she knew much alcohol could be do dehydrating, and judging from how intoxicated he looked right now, Doris guessed he consumed a lot. So, she helped him up and said, "Come on, drink some water."

Fortunately, Jay finally opened his mouth, but the bastard was so drunk that he mumbled, "Charles, drink more!"

"Why didn't you just drink to death instead of making me suffer like this?" she chattered angrily, almost splashing the water on his face so he'd sober up.

'I can't believe I'm taking care of him like he's a child!' Doris thought to herself. "Ohh!! Puff!"

But as just he was about to finish up all the water, he spat everything out.

And then the next thing he knew, he threw up all over his body and Doris'.

"Damn you! My god! That's it! I don't care! You take care of yourself! Damn it!.'' Doris was utterly outraged. Her mouth hung agape as she stared at her soaking wet clothes, now fuming with a terrible smell.

Then, she put aside the glass of water and went into the bathroom to shower, leaving Jay languidly lying flat on the sofa.

She thought that Jay would wake up, but even when she was done with her shower, he was still on the sofa, completely motionless.

The mere sight of him, lying on his own puke, infuriated her to bits.

However, at this moment, even if she tried to slap him with a concrete, Jay would not wake up. He was so drunk that people would mistake him as dead if he were to be left on the streets.

Feeling helpless as she stared at him, Doris quickly removed his clothes and tossed them away into the washing room.

Then with a towel, she wiped his body clean, not minding his bare skin before her naked eye.

After making sure he was tidy and free of any remnants of his vomit, she assisted him back on the couch.

If he wasn't drunk, Doris wouldn't mind letting him sleep on her bed.

But because he reeked with so much alcohol, she thought it might linger on her sheets for days. Besides, Doris doubted if he would even feel the difference in the softness of the couch and her bed. His body must be extremely numb with alcohol right now.

It was past one o'clock in the morning when she settled him to his slumber. He looked so innocent in his sleep, much different from the playful and foolish Jay she knew.

But the more she stared at his face, the more Doris felt an unfamiliar tingling sensation in her heart. So, to stop that strange feeling, she just took off all his clothes and washed them.

After hanging them, she finally climbed to her bed and fell asleep as soon as she shut her eyes.

However, when dawn came, Doris suddenly felt the cold, slowly penetrating her skin despite remembering that she had wrapped the quilt around her.

So, feeling quite disturbed, she opened her eyes in a daze and was dumbfounded at what graced her sight.

Jay was lying beside her, taking over half of the bed while clinging onto her own quilt!

'This bastard!' she cursed internally, seeing as how she was left with nothing while he enjoyed the warmth of her comforter.


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