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The Adorable Twin’s Sticky Daddy novel Chapter 133

Bang! Bang! The door soon gave way from the persistent pounding.

Inside, Doris was surrounded by several men.

Jay's blood boiled at the sight. Wasting no time, he stretched out walked towards the men. The next moment, a brawl broke out among them, one against many.

He swung his chair as he blocked off their attacks. His enemies fell one after another, until at last, they retreated after being roughed up.

"Are you all right, Doris?" Jay was beside Doris instantly, his strong arms helping her stand.

Doris was wide-eyed in fear. She had never witnessed such a violent scuffle before. As she became conscious of Jay's arms around her, she pulled him closer and broke out into sobs. "Thank God you are here."

"Why didn't you call me?" Jay asked softly, willing away the tremors that racked her body.

"It... It wasn't that easy. Those men said they were here to see a doctor. I had no idea and the next thing I knew..."

Her voice trailed off, leaving the rest of her sentence unfinished. Doris knew that Jay was against her job, and she no longer had any strength left to argue.

Jay saw shadows cross her eyes and breathed out a resigned sigh. "As long as you're fine. Let's get you something to eat."

Doris nodded obediently. It was one of those rare moments where she acquiesced without arguing. Jay held her close as he led her out, his arm wrapped around her protectively.

At Spring Restaurant.

Jay told Doris to order whatever she wanted and then excused himself from their table.

He took out his phone and made a call to Hanson, instructing him to get the surveillance footage in the hospital and find the men who were involved in the trouble.

With the video, it was a piece of cake to find out their identities and track them down.

"Mr. Fang, these bastards are notorious crooks in H City. Shall we take them here for an interrogation?"

"Definitely," Jay said coldly, his gaze falling on Doris as she sat down at the table. "Take them to my office. I'll be there soon."

"Yes, sir."

The call ended and Jeremy went back to the table.

The food was already set, and to Jay's mild surprise, most of them were his preferences.

"I told you to get what you liked. These are all my favorites. What? You want to thank me for saving your life today?" He chuckled as he sat down across from her.

Doris refused to be affected by his disarming smile. "Not really. I think you're forgetting something here. I saved you last night and you saved me today, so we're even now," she answered nonchalantly.

Jay burst into laughter at her response, his eyes twinkling in amusement. "How eloquent. You should be a host with that skillful tongue. Why not give it a try?" "No," Doris refused. "You can find any other woman you like for that. I don't believe you have a shortage of them. With your money and status, you can have any woman running to you with a flick of your finger."

The light in Jay's eyes dimmed at her callous answer. "You are so... Can't we have a normal conversation?" He played around with women. That much was true, and he wasn't going to deny it. But even as he had a long list of women at his beck and call, Jay had never indulged in anything farther than spending company with them. He had never been intimate with anyone other Doris, but he doubted that anything he said would even make a difference to her.

An awkward silence fell upon them until Doris finally compromised. "All right, let's drop the subject. Let's just talk about something else."

A mischievous smile broke from Jay's lips. She was finally lowering her defenses, even if it was only for a small fraction. Doris was like a hedgehog all the time when it came to him. Every time he tried to approach, she would immediately prick up her quills.

"You saved me last night, and I saved you today. Do you think we are life and death partners?" Jay said with a disarming smile. He was turning on the charm heavily on her.

If she didn't know any better, Doris would have been flustered. "Partners? Don't you think that's a bit of an exaggeration?" she answered coolly.

At her words, Jay was speechless. 'So much for lowering her defenses,' he thought to himself as waves of disappointment set in his chest. He didn't let his expression shift, however. "Fine. Then, even if you can't be my life and death partner, we can at least have a relationship, right?"

"I..." Doris looked at Jay. He had the same earnest expression all throughout the day, and she felt her resolve wavering. "Mr. Fang," she began formally. "I know you dislike my profession. I'm afraid that... Your parents would dislike it, too."

"You haven't met them yet. How could you be so sure about what they would think? How about we visit them when you're free?" Jay pressed, refusing to back down.

His determination was so clear that Doris had to relent. "Then, you should ask your parents yourself first. If they have any issues with my job or my family then we can just forget it. If not, we can talk about it later then."

"Alright." Jay smiled. She didn't reject him. For now, that small hope would be enough.

The two shared a good lunch in a comfortable silence.

After lunch, it was time to go back to work.

Jay drove straight to his office.

Hanson and his men were ready, having brought the perpetrators who stirred up the trouble in earlier as well.

Jay stepped inside the dark office.

Hanson had already set a chair for him, and he sat down slowly, looking at the men whose hands were bound behind them.

"We can make this simple, or we can do this the hard way. That's up to you. Now, tell me. Who ordered you to do it?" he asked casually, crossing one leg over another.


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