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The Adorable Twin’s Sticky Daddy novel Chapter 135

"Okay, Grandpa," Dorothy replied snappily.

In the living room, Bobby sat on the sofa as he played with his toys.

Dorothy walked by and said, "Bobby, would you like to play with me?"

Bobby simply looked at Dorothy. He lowered his head and did not say a word.

The boy didn't want to talk to Dorothy at all.

Unwilling to give up, Dorothy peeled and sliced an apple for Bobby. She offered them to the boy and said, "Bobby, do you want some? Or would you want some kiwi? I can buy you some later. Would you like that?"

"Shut up!" Bobby exclaimed with irritation. He could not help but frown.

Even in his young age, Bobby could recognize that both his great grandpa and his grandma wanted Dorothy to be his mother.

But he couldn't seem to like Dorothy.

Nancy was the only mother the boy ever wanted.

But Dorothy didn't know how the boy felt. She insisted, "You should eat more fruit so that your skin will be as smooth as kiwifruit!"

Bobby was confused by Dorothy's advice.

"You are the kiwifruit!" Kiwis are green, and Bobby didn't want to be green.

Bobby was offended. He felt that it was rude of Dorothy to want him to be green.

Dorothy didn't expect that Bobby would react so furiously. She quickly added, "I mean, you will be as lovely and watery as kiwifruit!"

"Humph! You are an evil woman! Do you know that?" The boy yelled at Dorothy.

Dorothy couldn't help but panic, especially because Bobby raised his voice. Frederic wanted her to get close to Bobby—to please him, not to provoke him.

'How can I be this boy's mother if I can't even get close to him?' Dorothy thought to herself.

Dorothy tried to appease Bobby with the apple slices that she held in her hand. She hurriedly apologized and said, "I'm sorry, Bobby. I shouldn't have said that. Look, I sliced some apples for you. Please try it. It's delicious!"

Dorothy grew more frantic. She was so distracted that she forgot that she was holding a sharp fruit knife.

As Bobby tried to push away the apples Dorothy offered him, the tip of the blade nicked the boy's hand.

Bobby was bleeding severely!

"Ouch, that hurts!" Bobby burst into tears because of the pain. He shouted, "Great grandpa! Grandma!"

Hearing the kid’s screams, Frederic and Angelina rushed towards Bobby.

In fact, everyone ran towards Bobby.

Every person in the room panicked at the sight of Bobby's bloody hand.

"Call the doctor right now," Frederic commanded.

"Doctor Wang is on leave. He's not here," a servant reported. Her trip from the living room to the doctor's clinic, and then back to the living room, was amazingly quick.

"Send the boy to a hospital then," someone suggested.

"I want to go to the hospital. I want to see mommy!" Bobby exclaimed out of excitement.

"No way. We have tried so hard to get rid of that woman. There are plenty of doctors in the area. Why would we send the boy to her?" Angelina was the first to shoot down the idea.

"Yes. There are so many better hospitals. We don't have to go to where Nancy is,” Frederic said.

"I'm not going anywhere if I can't see mommy!" Bobby climbed into the sofa. He was so stubborn that no one could make him leave.

"Bobby, come on!" Seeing how bad Bobby's hand was, Angelina grew immensely concerned for the boy's safety. The lady gently said, "Come on little boy. Let's get you to the hospital."

"I don't want to go to the hospital anymore. Bring mommy here!" Bobby said as he held his little hand.

"Well, how can so many people fail to subdue a little child? I'll take care of him. Get the medicine box, Dorothy." Joseph applied some hemostatic on Bobby's wound. He somehow bound the boy's hand, just as a doctor would.

The medicine worked, although only temporarily.

The next morning, Bobby's little hand was so swollen, that it resembled a small bun.

"Ouch, grandma! It hurts!


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