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The Adorable Twin’s Sticky Daddy novel Chapter 142

Jerome was a funny man who was full of humor and could make Nancy burst into laughter every now and then.

They casually talked without feeling any pressure at all. Their conversation flowed as if it was between two old friends who were catching up and talking about their future.

Nancy thought that they seemed they get along pretty well.

When Nancy got home, Nadia had not yet returned. She assumed Nadia would have fallen asleep already and it would be better if she stayed over at Doris' house for the night.

As it was already half past eleven in the evening, there was no point in bringing her back anymore.

Nancy took a shower to freshen up and lay on the bed. However, she couldn't sleep. Thinking of Bobby, she tossed and turned.

To pass the time, she got her phone and sent a message to her WeChat friend, ''Night", "Are you online?"

"Yes," was the immediate reply she received from the person.

"What's your point of view on love?"

There was silence for a while. Just when Nancy thought he wouldn't reply anymore,

Night messaged back, "Love is a feeling that comes with a strong sense of possession. If you cannot have the person you love, you will feel immense pain, and will suffer a life worse than death. You will feel as if life is meaningless.”

Nancy pondered on his message and asked curiously after a while, "Do you think love could develop between blind dates?"

This time, Charles replied right after he had read her message, "Why, did you go on a blind date?"

"Yes, I did. I went on a blind date today." Under the protection of anonymity, Nancy didn't feel a need to hide it from strangers. And never in her wildest imagination would she have thought that "Night" and Charles were the same man. Thus, she could speak freely and told him the truth.

"It doesn't sound so bad. Will you be going on another date with him? Have you fallen in love with him?"

Somehow, Nancy could sense the sarcasm in the sentence. Or was she just being paranoid?

"I don't dislike him at this point in time, if that's what you mean. It's the first time we met and we get along well with each other. I'm not sure if it could eventually turn into love, but right now, I think, I need a man," Nancy replied in all honesty.

Charles was stupefied by her candid reply and could not think of any answer.

Nancy waited for a while, but she didn't get any further messages from him. Thinking he must have slept, she went to bed as well.

That night, she had a dream. In her dream, she saw Charles and Bobby standing in the snow.

She wanted to go over and greet them, but they didn't seem to see her at all.

"Bobby, I'm your mommy. Mommy's here," she shouted.

She could see Bobby looking at her blankly as if he didn't recognize her at all.

With a heavy heart, she walked over to be near to them. They were standing not too far from where she was, but no matter what she did, she just couldn't seem to be able to reach them. She wanted to run as fast as she could, but she couldn't move her legs. They were as heavy as lead and she could not run at all.

"Bobby, I'm your mommy, I'm your mommy," she shouted hysterically.

In spite of her panic-stricken outburst, Charles merely took a glance at her and turned around. He ignored her and walked away, followed by Bobby.

Out of misery, Nancy cried and threw herself into the cold snow, trying to numb the pain that she was feeling. The freezing snow was as cold as her mood.

When Nancy woke up the next day, her dream still lingered in her mind. A tear fell in the corner of her eye.

If she were to accept Jerome in her life and agree to his request, it would mean letting go and eventually saying good bye to the past.

The happy yet painful memories she had would all have to be buried and forgotten.

As early as it was, she decided not to dwell too much on her emotions. She grabbed something to eat before going to work.

Since Nadia slept over at Doris' place, Doris was the one who drove her to kindergarten.

At the gate, she met Charles who brought Bobby with him.

Doris greeted him with a feeling of discomfort, "Mr. Fu, nice to see you again."

Charles didn't bother answering her.

He took a cigarette and frowned instead. He then bade Bobby and Nadia goodbye and let them walk into the kindergarten's premises together.

Upon seeing their backs, he turned to Doris.

"Mr. Fu, if you don't have anything else to do, I'll go first. I'm running late for work." Doris could not help but be intimidated by the murderous look showing in his eyes.

It would be best to stay away from him rather than face his wrath.

"Hold on. I have something to ask you," Charles said coldly.

"What do you want to know?"

"Did Nancy go on a blind date yesterday?" Charles asked, his anxiety evident by the high pitch of his voice. He was not asking her. It was as if he already knew the answer even before Doris could reply.


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