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The Adorable Twin’s Sticky Daddy novel Chapter 152

Nancy said in a panic, "Someone overdosed Mr. Landon's medicine. We have to get down there right now."

Charles was shocked when he heard it. He hurried to take her to the hospital.

"What happened?"

When she saw Landon's pale face, she panicked.

"It seems that he had taken too much medicine!" Sarah said with a sad face.

"Erin!" Nancy yelled.

"Dr. Nancy, I only administered him with a single dose of medicine that I had prepared. I don't know who overdosed him with an additional dose." Erin was struggling for words. She was so worried that she was about to cry.

"Give him some water," Nancy ordered.

"Right away." Then, Jay went to fetch some water for his grandpa.

"This is a medical accident. We must find out how this happened. Check the surveillance footage," Charles ordered his people to get the surveillance video.

"Is that Jessie Wang?" guessed Charles.

Nancy shook her head, "No, that's impossible. Jessie might be narrow-minded, but she wouldn't use such an extreme method. It's totally against medical ethics and not in line with the moral quality of a doctor!"

"Then who could it be?" Charles asked again.

"I don't know!" Obviously someone wanted to frame up Nancy. But she didn't know who was conspiring against her.

Suddenly, a noise came from outside.

"Dr. Nancy, there's a new patient," Erin said as she ran towards her.

Nancy hurried out. But the moment she saw the new patient, she was shocked.

"Doris, what's wrong with you?"

Doris held her legs tightly with her hands, looking miserable.

"It was Dorothy. It's her. She did it!" Doris wailed.

Since she was wronged in Fang family, she hadn't contacted Jay after that.

After her day's work, she wandered alone on the street and suddenly heard a person on the phone.

She didn't care about it at first,

until she recognized the person.

It was Dorothy who was speaking over the phone. She said, "Yes, it's the Second Pediatric Department. What's the progress? This time, you must destroy Nancy. If you don't succeed, I will kill you!"

"Oh, my God! It's you, Dorothy. What are you up to? Are you going to frame up Nancy again?" Doris shouted, shocked.

Dorothy was her enemy. So when Doris overheard that Dorothy wanted to hurt Nancy again, she was trembling with anger.

In the next instant, she reached out her hand to pull Dorothy's arm, but Dorothy managed to get into the car. Then she drove the car towards Doris!

If Doris hadn't run fast, she would have died.

And luckily, passersby helped her as well.

"Mr. Fu, that Dorothy is big a trouble maker!" Doris clenched her teeth in pain. How she wished she could kill that bitch!

Without asking anything further, Charles called the police.

However, they ignored the fact that Dorothy was the only daughter of the Zhuang family. If something happened to her, the hatred between them and the Zhuang family would be growing.

"Dr. Nancy, help her! Does she need a surgery? Please, do something immediately!" When Jay saw her, he was anxious and attempted to look at her legs. But Doris pushed him away and said, "I've seen it clearly. Now I know that all of you rich people are bad guys!"

Now Doris had an overwhelming thought that all rich people, including Jay were bad guys.

Thankfully, the injury on her calves weren't severe, and she just needed some good rest.

After drinking water and voiding all night, Landon felt better.

However, due to his old age, he needed a longer time for complete recovery.

Because he wasn't hurt seriously, Landon just needed bed rest, so he was soon taken back home by his family.


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