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The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Chapter 60

In 60. This can't be happening of The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel (Lauren and Darren) by Evelyn M.M., the gripping saga of Lauren and Darren continues to unfold with new twists and turns.

At The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Lauren and Darren 60. This can't be happening As tensions escalate between Lauren and Darren, the once inseparable mates find themselves at odds with each other. Darren's allegiance to his fated mate creates a rift between them, leaving Lauren grappling with feelings of betrayal and abandonment. Meanwhile, Darren struggles to reconcile his duties as an alpha with his personal desires, torn between loyalty and love.

I try to open my eyes but it’s like they are full of lead. The ground beneath me is hard and my head is aching. I hear the shouts and feet running, but I can’t figure out why.

“Oh my goddess” I hear the gasp.

Why was the person gasping? Is something wrong? And why the hell can’t I see anything? I groan when I try to get up but I am unable. A splitting pain in my head forces me to keep my body still.

“Call an ambulance. They both need medical attention”

Something wasn’t right. Who were they talking about and where were Jax and Krystal? Nothing made sense and the more I tried to piece it all together the more pain I felt.

“Ma’am can you hear me?” someone asks.

I nod my head but the action makes me want to scream in pain.

“That’s good. Are you hurt, can you get up?”

I wasn’t sure if I was hurt but I couldn’t get up. I tried that and I failed. My head felt like it was weighing down my whole body. Like it was too heavy.

“Try to apply pressure on the wound. He is losing a lot of blood” a different voice says.

I try to speak. To ask who they were talking about but my lips refuse to move and nothing but air comes out of my mouth.

Fuck. I needed to get up. Needed to check on the kids. The last thing I remember is having lunch with them. They must be worried sick. Where were they?

“Shit! She’s also bleeding. Looks like she hit the back of her head hard”

“Try to gently lift her and place a towel on the back”

I guess they were talking about me because I feel someone lift my head and I let out a cry. It was fucking painful.

“I’m so sorry” whoever it is mumbles.

“Where the hell is the damn ambulance?” someone asks. “They were supposed to be here ages ago”

“They said they’ll be here in ten”

I wanted to scream for someone to explain to me what was happening. Because I was fucking lost and I hated that my thoughts were so disoriented.

“I recognize the man. He is Alpha Sebastian and I am guessing this woman is his Luna. What I don’t understand is why his body is full of scars”

Alpha Sebastian. Why did that name seem familiar? A memory tries to push its way to the forefront of my brain but there’s a block. One I can’t seem to get past.

“Damn it. We need to do something. We can’t let an Alpha and his Luna die in our restaurant's parking lot. In our territory. It would cause problems”

“What about the kids?”

The mention of the children has me in panic. They were alone with no one they knew in sight. I had to get to them. I try to push myself up but I feel someone holding me down.

“They’re safe. They’re still with Chloe. They don’t know what’s happening”

With those words the panic is flushed from me. I didn’t know who this Chloe was but I am grateful that she was watching over the kids.

“What the hell happened here?” a familiar voice said. I couldn’t place it but I know it’s a woman.

“We don’t know Oracle Sylvia. Two kids came running into the restaurant saying that their mommy was in trouble. We rushed out to find a man about to shoot this woman but Alpha Sebastian took the shot for her. She collapsed before we got to her and I am guessing she hit her head on the ground”

Sylvia’s name penetrates my foggy mind. Knowing she is here relaxes me a little.

“The man responsible? Where is he?” she snarls.

“Two of our bodyguards are holding him in my office”

After that I lose consciousness again. My world is filled with nothing. Just a sense of peace and quiet.

I am jolted awake when a sharp pain tears through my head. I open my eyes and just like before I see nothing but darkness. Unlike before I remember everything. The planned date with Jax and Krystal and then the disastrous ending.


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