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The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Chapter 61

In 61. Awake and pissed of The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel (Lauren and Darren) by Evelyn M.M., the gripping saga of Lauren and Darren continues to unfold with new twists and turns.

At The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Lauren and Darren 61. Awake and pissed As tensions escalate between Lauren and Darren, the once inseparable mates find themselves at odds with each other. Darren's allegiance to his fated mate creates a rift between them, leaving Lauren grappling with feelings of betrayal and abandonment. Meanwhile, Darren struggles to reconcile his duties as an alpha with his personal desires, torn between loyalty and love.

I sat beside Sebastian’s bed and willed him to wake up but he doesn’t. I was discharged a couple of days ago and two days later Sebastian was brought home to the pack house.

He still hasn’t woken up despite my best efforts. I’ve tried talking to him, threatening him, pleading with him but nothing has worked so far. He still remains motionless.

His wounds have healed and everything seemed fine but the doctors don’t understand why he still hasn’t woken up. Since everything seemed okay despite the scare he gave us, the doctors decided to discharge him.

I sigh and sink into my chair. Sweeping his shaggy hair from his face before staring at his almost three week’s stubble. It honestly looked good on him. I preferred this look to the clean shaven one he seemed to like.

“You have to wake up Sebastian. Jax needs you” I say but like before I don’t get an answer.

Micah filled me in that day at the hospital when I woke up. He told me that Sylvia is the one that called. When he and the medics arrived she left us and went to get Jax and Krystal. She stayed with them until Lilly took over from her.

She did visit me and assured me that Sebastian was going to be fine. Despite that assurance, I found it hard to believe her even though she was the Oracle and probably knew what she was talking about.

I had witnessed Sebastian flat-lining. Then being told his heart stopped a second time while in operation made it hard to believe her. I was afraid. Still afraid that he wouldn’t wake up.

“Lauren is he awake yet?” Jax’s small voice echoes through the silent room.

I had not even noticed him entering the room. I was so worried about Sebastian that nothing has registered these past few days. It was like I was just going through the motions. I was numb with fear and guilt.

I open my arms to him and he rushes to me. His body colliding with mine. The force is so great that I am pushed back and I accidentally hit the wall behind me.

I grit my teeth against the pain. Hoping the hit doesn’t do any damage. I still had the bandage wrapped around my head. When I asked Doctor John why my wound wasn’t healed yet he explained that head wounds take time to heal. Whether we were werewolves or humans.

“No he hasn’t woken up, but he will soon” I reply. Breathing through the throbbing pain in my head.

Luckily Jax doesn’t notice my grimace so he continues speaking.

“But that’s what you said yesterday and the day before. Why isn’t he waking up?”

I take my time answering because I didn’t want to upset him. So I had to carefully think of my choice of words.

“He will honey, just give him time. He was hurt pretty badly and his body needs to rest in order for it to recover”

Even though we didn’t tell him everything that happened to Sebastian. He knows that Sebastian was hurt saving me from the bad man. I thought he would be angry at me for that, because technically I was indirectly responsible for his dad’s condition but he wasn’t angry. He just hugged me and told me he was glad that I was okay.

As for the man that hurt me. He was currently in the underground cells waiting to be questioned. Since the council was still in custody, he would stay here for the time being. His stay here wasn’t rainbows and sunshine. Last I heard Hunter, Micah and the top warriors were making his life hell. He had hurt an Alpha and his Luna. There was no way he was going to get out alive. Especially after Sebastian wakes up.

“He is the strongest Alpha around. He should be okay by now since he heals quickly” Jax argues, bringing me back to the present.

“That’s true but with the kind of injury he has he needs lots of rest. He will wake up baby, I promise you that”

I only hope that my promise won’t be broken. I shake those thoughts away. Refusing to accept that Sebastian might not wake up.

He stays in my arms and we just watch the man on the bed quietly. That’s until my stomach growls in hunger. Minutes later Jax’s does the same, making me laugh. He joins me in laughing when our stomachs growl together at the same time.

“You wanna get something to eat?” I ask him hoping he will agree.

“Yes, then we can come back and talk to dad. Maybe he’ll wake up then”

We stand up and he gives his father a kiss on the forehead before we leave the room. How sweet of him. He does that every single time he leaves Sebastian’s room.

Krystal was in school. Given the situation, I knew how hard it would be for Jax to focus in school. So when he asked me if he could stay home until Sebastian woke up, I agreed. I called his teacher and let her know that he won’t be in school for a couple of days due to a family emergency.

News hadn’t broken out about Sebastian’s accident. Only the workers at the restaurant, the pack members, the nurses and Doctor John, Claire and Brent knew and they had been warned not to let the information leak. Because if it did, both human and werewolf enemies of Sebastian would descend on us.

We get to the kitchen to find some omegas cleaning. They give me a scathing look before leaving the room. I sigh tiredly but I don’t comment. I was too drained to care.

“You shouldn’t let them treat you like that. It wasn’t your fault what happened to dad” Jax says, taking a seat on the barstool.

“They don’t see it that way buddy” I mumbled. Checking to see what was there to eat.

“It’s still wrong”


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