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The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Chapter 7

In 7. Stalker ? of The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel (Lauren and Darren) by Evelyn M.M., the gripping saga of Lauren and Darren continues to unfold with new twists and turns.

At The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Lauren and Darren 7. Stalker ? As tensions escalate between Lauren and Darren, the once inseparable mates find themselves at odds with each other. Darren's allegiance to his fated mate creates a rift between them, leaving Lauren grappling with feelings of betrayal and abandonment. Meanwhile, Darren struggles to reconcile his duties as an alpha with his personal desires, torn between loyalty and love.

I still couldn’t get the weird feeling out of my system hours after getting home. It stuck to me like a damn leech.

It’s been years since I’ve felt scared. Sure, Raya forcefully shifting should scare me but it doesn’t. It mostly just frustrates me. This time I was scared because I couldn’t help but feel like there was a certain doom hanging over me.

I thought that when I was rescued that my roller-coaster ride was finally over. But now, now I think it was far from it.

“You okay Mayra?” his voice cuts through the peaceful night.

I turn to look at Sebastian. He was a different man from when I met him five years ago. I guess being with the woman he loves has softened him a bit.

“I’m not sure”

I don’t know why I just told him that, but it kind of just slipped from my mouth.

I was on the terrace just looking at the endless green field. Counting down till the time I had to close my years. I wasn’t looking forward to the struggles of fighting Raya nor the memories that awaited me.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, sitting down next to me.

Just like with Darren, he has a way of making me feel like he was staring into my soul. Like he was actually seeing the brokenness within.

I hated his green eyes. Don’t get me wrong, Sebastian is a devilishly hot son of a bitch. But his green eyes remind me of those of the Monster. They had the same forest green shade and sometimes looking at them made me sick.

It was also another reason why I rejected me (Not that he would have accepted me when he was clearly madly in love with Ren). I just couldn’t imagine being mated with him and looking into the same eye color that reminded me of the bastard that raped me for ten fucking years.


“Sorry…My mind wandered a bit” I apologize before continuing. “I can’t pinpoint what the problem is but I just have this crazy feeling that something is coming”

“Well my advice to you is don’t ignore the feeling or underestimate it…I’ve seen this happen with Ren when she would get such feelings and then something does happen”

“But isn’t her case different? She’s after all connected to the goddess in a way none of us are” I argue back.

“True, but I firmly believe that such feelings are our instincts warning us. A way for our soul to let us know that we should be on high alert. That we should be prepared” he answered.

I nod. Thinking about it, it kind of made sense. I couldn’t get rid of the feeling and that meant something. Something that I couldn’t ignore.

“Thanks Bash…You’ve actually put things into perspective for me”

“Good, now let’s go, Ren had sent me out here to call you for dinner”

He helps me up and we get inside the house. We head directly to the kitchen. Just like everything in the pack house, the kitchen was huge. We had a dining room but not everyone eats there. Some prefer eating in the kitchen while others prefer eating in their rooms.

“Finally…I thought you would come when the food is already cold” Ren says, throwing her hands up in the air.

Sebastian heads straight to her and then captures her mouth in a deep kiss.

“Ewww” Colton scrunches his nose up before he leaves still wearing a disgusted look on his face

“Would you two not make out while I’m trying to eat, It’s disgusting?” Jax says sporting the same look as his brother.

Ren breaks away giggling. “You’re being dramatic”

“No I’m not, mom” Jax argues back. “No one wants to see their parents with their tongues down each other’s throat”

“You’re a werewolf Jax, I thought you would be used to PDA’s…I’m sure you’ve seen more than just kissing with others” Sebastian adds in a deadpanned voice.

I fill my plate and then take a seat. I start to eat while watching them. It was always entertaining watching them argue back and forth.

“Sure, but I would rather ignore that shit with my parents” Jax says, making a puking face.

“Sex and kissing is natural biology. It happens, how do you think I got pregnant Jax? It definitely wasn’t miracle babies”


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