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The Alpha King Slave Mate novel Chapter 7

The sound of heavy rain blast through the roof of the cell, causing the cell to be quiet, every where was dark, it was past noon, almost midnight, some slaves were asleep but two slaves remained awake.

Waiting for the right time to hatch their plan.

"Why wait, isn't it time already?"

Rachel asked, staring through the bars, there was at least two guards, who protect the entrance of the cell's door.

"Yes it is, I am thinking of a plan so as to escape these cell without getting caught"

Alexia said, standing up and walking to the bars of the cell.

Then an idea came through her mind, a little smile breaking through her lips.

"I have a plan"

Alexia said, turning to meet Rachel.

"What's the idea"

Rachel asked, looking at the other cells, other slaves were soundly asleep, so oblivious of what was happening.

"You pretend as if you wanna pee"

"What, pee, how does peeing involves in these plan of yours"

Rachel half shouted, looking at Alexia wide eye.

"Reduce your voice, you don't want to wake the other slaves up do you"

Alexia said, walking closer to Rachel's cell.

"You go out the cell, pretend to pee, which they would give you a permission to, then you create a distraction, which would distract the two guards who guard the cells. Then quickly, I escape the cell, before we continue our plan B"

Alexia said, watching as Rachel gave her a dumbfounded look.

"That sounds easy, but the distraction, what distraction can I create?"

Rachel asked, she was not a fast thinker like Alexia, but she was good at executing a task.

"You figure it out your self"

Alexia said, staring at her, giving her a light smile.

"What. Really you think I can do these"

Rachel asked, there was no way she form a plan.

"I trust you, you are smarter than you think, now, quick, we don't have much time behind us"

Alexia said, giving her a nod, assuring her she could do these.

"OK I got these"

Rachel said, standing up from the cell, giving a sigh, she opened the door as she head to the cell main door.

Alexi watched through the bars, not standing up but pretended to be asleep to avoid been caught.

Her heart kept skipping at every steps she took, there was no way she could do these. Finally, she opened the door, leading the cell main door, just as expected, two guards protected the doors, even under the rain.

"What do you need, why come out at these times of the night. Are you perhaps planning for an escape"

The guard asked, staring at her in a suspicious manner.

"No, I do not plan to make an escape. Those thoughts never seem to cross my mind, more over, I am going to get sold soon enough, so why plan an escape"

Rachel said, it was best to remove any trace of suspicion before she enters their trap.

"Ooh really. So what do you find outside your cell. Or perhaps, do you seek death?"

The second guard asked. Rachel shook at these words, the guards words have sounded like a question, but she was not insane enough to know that it was a statement, which he will not hesitate to execute without any warning.

"No no Sir, I came only to pee, that was all. The rain makes it possible for our system to pass alot of urine. Especially in the night"

Rachel said, defending herself quickly. She wouldn't try create any mistakes that might make her loose her life, not now that the slave establishment decides to sell them for monetary purposes.

"Do you think she speaks the truth"

The first guard asked, staring at her.

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