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The Alpha King Slave Mate novel Chapter 9

"There were rumors going on, that they were attacking us"

Alpha Roland said, throwing a glare to the crimson red pack.

"And how had you heard the rumors, that we destroyed killed your pack members. You as a king should know the fact that you should not believe in rumors"

Alpha Damien said, glaring back at alpha Roland.

"When it involves your pack, such rumors should not be over looked"

Alpha Roland said, rumors about the crimson red pack could never be over looked. The alpha of the crimson red pack was a young dangerous fellow. A young man who could taste for blood.

Jaxon listened to the two alphas, as they argued between themselves, he listened to their argument, which was like a buzzing sound of a fly in his ears. He turned looking at Kires. His beta have him a nod, understanding what he meant by his look.

"What do you both seek for, you had earlier mentioned you were done with the quarreled. Yet you sound as if you would slit each other's throat if given the permission to do so"

Kires asked, watching as the two alphas bowed to the king.

"I want the land to be divided into halves, sharing these two halves among the two packs, for peace to reign"

Alpha Roland of the moon stone pack said, bowing down his head slightly before looking up to the alpha king.

"And you alpha Damien of the crimson red pack what do you want so that these dispute would be settled"

Kires said, already knowing the answer to his question.

"For the two packs to have equal share in the barren land."

Alpha Damien of the crimson red pack said. There was no doubt all their angers towards each other was because of they needed share in the land.

"Now alpha king Jaxon, what is your final decision?"

Kires asked, turning to look at alpha Jaxon.

Jaxon touched his beards slightly, these two men looks so dramatic, as if they had planned everything and both had agreed to divide his land equally. Well he doesn't work their way, he is the alpha king after all.

"Your complaints was laid down to me two days ago, I already made my decision. But since the both alphas had insisted to see me one on one, I had decided to come and respect a little bit of your request. Now my decision..."

Jaxon said, watching as the two alphas bowed their head lowly.

"Is to take the land as mine and employ the both pack members as workers to till the ground"

Jaxon said. Quickly alpha Roland and alpha Damien looked up at the alpha king in shock. They were surprised with what they had heard.

"But alpha king, you know both packs cannot work in one place, we might kill each other and cause a chaos"

Alpha Roland said, bowing down to the alpha king. There was no way his pack members would work with the enemies pack.

"You question my decision, you challenge my order. Well I decided that if any member of a pack starts a chaos to the other pack without any reason, i will see to it that my men kills that pack member, remember, is your alpha's king pack. And who so ever questions my decision again would be dethroned from his alpha position and have his position given to a more better ruler."

Jaxon said, looking at the both alphas.

"Do you have any other question"


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