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The Alpha’s Claimed Mate novel Chapter 2


Sitting on the chair in his office, Damon goes through some documents that need signing. Paper after paper, he pens his signature on every single one of them.

Damon Reed wasn't exactly like your regular man. He was hardworking and had a soft heart. When he was little, he lost his mother to cancer and has been closed off ever since. Yes you guessed right; Damon was a mummy's boy and he owned it with his heart. Well, that was until she passed away. His father, Vince Reed, was the leader of the werewolves and ruled Zuba. But one thing was for sure; Damon hated his father. Vince Reed was what you call ruthless. He killed people for pleasure and was above the law. Damon's relationship with his father worsened after the death of his mother. His father subjected people to slavery and ruled out any sort of relationship between the werewolves and vampires. Vince Reed killed anyone that went against his orders and didn't care about anyone.

Still deep in thoughts, a phone ringing snapped Damon back to reality.

"Hey man. Been a minute." Ingrid said from the other side of the line.

Ingrid and Damon had been best of friends for as long as he could remember. They went to school together and their fathers were best of friends. Snaking back out of his thoughts he replied "Hey man. Sorry I've been so caught up with work. How's everything with you?" Damon quizzed.

"Same old same old. Business is going great, can't lie. Let's talk over a drink tomorrow night, what are you saying?" Ingrid said to Damon

"I gotcha man." Damon said and hung up.

Looking up to the wall clock adjacent to him, Damon only then realizes it's way past midnight.

"Oh shoot! I got carried away and forgot myself. I better get going now." Damon said to himself.

He stood up, taking his phone and car key, he looked around to make sure everything was in place and left his office. He got in his car and drove towards Reed's mansion. He got out and got into the house. Seeing as no one was in sight, Damon quickly rushed up to his room silently thanking God his father wasn't awake or he would have had something to say to piss him off. Without taking his clothes off, he climbed onto his bed and allowed the darkness to envelop him.


Birds chirping mixed with the smell of sweet morning coffee, Anna sits up and stretches. She lazily peels her clothes off and allows the fall in a pool on the floor. Walking into the bathroom, she quickly does her morning routine and steps into the shower. Washing her hair then allowing water to fall down her face, Anna closes her eyes and replays her favorite memory.

It was little Anna as a 5 year old. She had just woken up when she heard voices in the living room. She jumped out of bed and walked into the living room to find her parents cuddled up against each other watching a movie. She runs and settles herself between her parents.

"Hey munchkin, did you sleep ok?" Her dad asked.

"Yes dad. Good morning mama, good morning dada," little Anna said happily to her parents.



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