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The Alpha’s Claimed Mate novel Chapter 3


Damon wakes up and the first thing his eyes land on is the alarm clock sitting on his side table.-


Damon says and hurriedly takes his clothes off and rushes into the bathroom. He wastes no time in doing his morning business and when gets done in no time. Taking his car keys, he walks downstairs and sees his father on his reclining sofa watching the news.

Without not much as a glance, Damon hurriedly walks out into his sports car and drives off. He gets to Reeds Enterprises and is greeted by his secretary who hands him his schedule for the day.

It's already past 12 when his father calls;

"We have a meeting soon. I need you in the chambers now" and with that, be hung up.

Damon already knew what that meant. A slave had gone against his father's orders and will now be punished. Damon puts his head on the table and sighs a deep sigh. He gets up and walks out of the building.

On reaching the Reed's mansion, he walks straight to the chamber and sees his father.

"Took you a while son. Now come over here," Vince Reed said and Damon sucked in a deep breath and marched over to him.

"This better be worth my time," Damon spat at his father.

"Watch your tone with me young man or I'll forget you're my son and have your head cut off," Vince said to Damon who just stood looking at him emotionless.

Before Damon could reply, some men walked in dragging a man with them.

"Tie him to the chair," Vince barked.

The men did as they were told and tied the blood face-stained man to the chair.

"You slave! How dare you go against my orders?" Vince asked the man. "You know why you're here. For going against my orders, you must be punished," Vince directed at the man.

The man whose name Damon didn't know was crying and begging for forgiveness but Damon and everyone else present in the room knew Vince was never going to crack. He never goes back on his words.

Now, Vince Reed wasn't always like this. Once upon a time, he used to be the best father and a wonderful husband. Growing up, Vince fell in love with a human, secretly married her and got her pregnant which led to the birth of Damon. At the time, Vince's father, who was also Damon's granddad, was the leader of the werewolves. When news got to him that Vince had not only fallen in love but had gotten a human pregnant, he banished Vince's love and Damon's mother. Years passed and he didn't hear from her until one day, he got news that his love was somewhere in a small city and had been battling cancer at the time. Heartbroken, Vince set off to find his lover and his child. It took them some time but he reconnected with his lover and his son. He gave Damon everything and showered his wife with love. Year later, Damon's mother and Vince's lover passed away from cancer.

Revenge in mind, Vince killed his own father and took over as the leader of the werewolves but it didn't stop there. He then began to hate Damon. He saw Damon as the cause. He blamed him for everything. Blamed him for merely existing. He took him in only because he was a male child and he desperately needed someone that would take over him when the time came; an heir.

***Back to present***

"Son, today, I want you to make me proud by punishing this man," Vince Reed said to his son.

Damon snapped his head so fast you'd think it was going to fall off his neck.

"What does that even mean?" Damon asks his father.

"Oh don't be silly. You are going to punish him by feeding on him.

Damon looked at his father with so much rage in his eyes then said;

"You have totally lost your mind. You want me to kill a man?"



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