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The Alpha’s Obsession with his Ex-Contract Luna by Glorious Eagle novel Chapter 185


Chapter 185 

If Aurora hadn’t seen Alpha Cal before he left, she would have mistaken the man standing before her for him. The difference was evident in their outfits and hairstyles

The man she assumed to be Cal’s brother held a gift bag in his hand but also froze at the sight of her

Never did he imagine encountering a woman who would make his heart beat faster than usual, aside from the girl he had saved

The girl must be between eighteen to twentytwo now, but when his gaze met Aurora’s eyes, disappointment clouded his expression as he expected to see dark eyes instead of the green ones before him

The girl from twelve years ago had dark eyes and jetblack, thick, curly hair. He also remembered that the girl he was looking for had an emerald bracelet on her wrist. It was understandable that she might not be wearing the same bracelet, but what about her eyes

Unless she was wearing contact lenses, there was no way one could change their eye color, right? And for what reason would that happen

Cal was about to introduce them to each other when Max randomly asked, Do you wear glasses to sleep?” 

He wanted to see her eyes without the glasses, and the fact that she woke up with them on made him suspicious, unless she couldn’t see without them

He concluded that maybe Aurora wasn’t sleeping at all

Aurora forced a smile as she looked into his blue eyes, which were exactly like the man’s from twelve years ago, though his other features had changed

However, Alpha Calhoun had the same eyes and confirmed being at the riverbed that day, but the way her heart raced for his brother made her feel like a pervert, especially when Cal had warned her to stay away from him

No, I wore them before opening the door,Aurora said awkwardly, ashamed to admit she had been waiting for Cal’s return

You are stunning,” Max blurted out before he could control himself, causing Aurora to blush

Thanks, and you aren’t bad yourself.” 

Alpha Calhoun felt like he was watching a movie, unsure of where to step into the conversation

The way Aurora and Max interacted made him 

madel why co 

He had told her to stay away from Max, so why couldn’t she be a little rude to him? He cleared his throat to get their attention, feeling completely ignored

Aurora, meet my kid brother, Maximus Davis.” 

Call me Max,Max quickly interjected. Alpha Calhoun sighed in frustration, knowing that his brother also liked Aurora

Unlike him, Max had always been like a block of ice, not letting anyone in. Before, he used to be a mommy’s boy, doing everything to make his mother happy, but after her death, he turned into a cold monument

The late Luna’s death was a huge blow to the members of the Crescent Moon Pack, but for Maximus, it was as if his mother took his soul with her

Max, we need to talk. Aurora, go back to sleep,” Alpha Cal said sternly. Although Aurora would have liked to chat more with Max, she had to obey

There was something about Max that piqued her curiosity. Why did Calhoun want her to avoid Max? Did he also have a history with women

Aurora closed the door, her back pressed against it. She felt like a pervert for having feelings for two brothers. Feeling attracted to Cal, she had confirmed they were mates, but she couldn’t feel the bond, so why did she feel the same way for Max, whom she had just met

Aurora’s sleep was restless that night, but she wasn’t the only one

Cal and Max had a heated argument when Max insisted on being in the Luna’s chamber. He had stayed there for months after their mother died before leaving for New York

Cal had no idea that Max would still insist on it now, but since he couldn’t give the Alpha chamber to Max, it was fair for him to give up the Luna’s 


Alright, you can have it, but don’t even think about stealing the pendant again.” 

Max scoffed. That was mom’s last gift to me, and it’s all I want.” 




Chapter 185 

Twelve years ago, Cal and Max’s mother was sick. There was so much to do, so their father hired a nanny to be by her side, but the dying woman insisted on spending her last days with her close family

Her mate felt she was overreacting and was confident that she would be fine, having gotten her the best doctors. They were supposed to leave for New York that day, but Max stayed back

I’m not going. I will stay here with mom, and so should you. How would you feel losing her before our return?he asked his father, who was upset

You want us to leave a billions of dollar businesses just to stay here? Max, if you don’t come with me, you shall have nothing.” 

Max was conflicted initially but looking at the fragile woman on the bed, he didn’t mind losing everything

Then so be it.” 

His father was certain that the woman on the bed would make it but was disappointed that Max didn’t know how to set his priorities straight

Fine. Your brother will be both the Alpha and the CEO of the Davis Corporation,he declared and left

Cal stared at his brother. How does it feel to lose everything due to laziness? Instead of going to work to make money for the pack, you prefer being a babysitter

This is our mother you are talking about, Cal, show some respect,Max said bitterly


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