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The Alpha’s Obsession with his Ex-Contract Luna by Glorious Eagle novel Chapter 188

Chapter 188 

Aurora had gone 

ahead to prepare breakfast, but Max was disturbed when he followed her to the kitchen. Your hair is wet.” 

His late mom’s condition always worsened whenever she went without drying her hair, but Max had no idea it was because her wolf had left her for the betrayal

This was his reason for being concerned about Aurora’s wet hair. Aurora sighed. She had forgotten to dry her hair because of the rude interruption

I will go dry it.She never liked keeping wet hair, though it never had a negative impact on her

Max stopped her at the door. No. Please come to my room. I will help you.” 

Shaking her head, Aurora politely refused. Alpha Cal had already warned her to stay away from Max, for reasons she was yet to find out

It’s not appropriate.” 

Max frowned deeply, wondering what she was thinking. Indeed, he was attracted to her but was not thoughtless enough to do anything to her without her consent and building a good relationship

How is that? I’m not going to do anything to you, and besides, those two are still in your room,he said, referring to Cal and Asena

Aurora’s heart sank at the thought. For almost two years, she waited patiently, but Cal was still adamant

The fact that Asena was not his mate and she was. Sadly, she could not even remember what transpired between her and that witch, but if she had her way, she would find and kill her for placing such a curse on her

Maybe they’ll come out soon, and I can go dry my hair.Bitterness laced her tone, saddening Max

Perhaps he should not have stayed back and come sooner if he knew Aurora would be the key to forgetting the girl he saved

He was not feeling the mate bond, but she already captured his heart, and there was nothing he could do about it

Come on, let me help you. Or am I scary? I won’t eat you. Now let’s go.He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the Luna’s chamber before she 

could refuse him

There, he pulled a chair for her. Please sit.” 

Aurora was already used to this room, and she had cleaned it several times, so she was not uncomfortable. Max returned with the hairdryer but had still not put on any clothes when he removed the clip from her hair, allowing her long hair to cascade down her back

His breath suddenly turned erratic

Aurora shivered slightly, not knowing who was hunkier, Max, or his elder brother. It was hard to believe that he had lived away from the pack for so long

Max was even more attractive than Alpha Cal due to his softness towards Aurora. And the way she felt attracted to him at first sight made her 


First Ward 

Perhaps it was because of how she met Alpha Calhoun the first time with the Cal girls that left a bad impression on her from the beginning, taking months of his being away from those girls for her feelings towards him to return

If she allowed Max to be this close, she might end up a sinner. I can do it myself.” She attempted to take the hairdryer from him, but he swerved 

her action

Just relax. I got this,” he assured her and began drying her hair

Unable to keep his feelings to himself, he asked seriously. Tell me the truth, are you also in love with my brother?” 

Aurora did not answer, for the shame of feeling attracted to both brothers, but Max understood the meaning of her silence clearly, smiling bitterly

I know. It’s hard to not love a handsome Alpha, but where did you get so much hair? so beautiful like my mother’s,he said in a slightly sorrowful tone. I used to do this for her when she was sick.” 

His voice lowered at the end, and Aurora felt saddened for him. She wanted to tell him that her feelings for Calhoun did not depend on his position as Alpha but because he was her mate and also saved her life

She wanted to tell him that even if Cal was a common warrior, she would have still loved him nonetheless, strange attraction she was feeling for Max caused her to only say two words

I’m sorry.” 

the betrayal of her heart due to the 


Chapter 188 

She wished she had met his mother, as he seemed more attached to her than Cal, who only mentioned their mother a few times, unlike Max

It’s alright. You know, she would be like? Max, if you spoil my hair, I’m gonna make sure you never get mated in your life. And I would be like mom, what’s a mate when I have you?” 

Both he and Aurora laughed as he continued to tell her about his late mother

She would pull a belt to whip me, and we would keep running around the room,he recalled


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