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The Alpha's Rejected Mate novel Chapter 8

Simon understood that the only way he could catch his prey was by luring it. He had only attended the party for that purpose. He was well aware of his attractiveness and it had always been to his advantage to entice women into the woods with him so he could eat them.

No exception applied to the girl he met at the party. She was infatuated with him at first sight and he could even read how her heart was beating when he caught her in his arms. She would be too simple and sweet to consume.

She was also beautiful and he couldn't deny that. Although Simon thought she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen or was about to eat, he needed to stop deluding himself. No matter how beautiful she was, she was going to be his dinner. He watched her until she climbed into her car. Acting as if he was having an argument on the phone was all part of the plan to lure her into the woods and he didn't believe it would work.

What a fool!

The moment he changed into his wolf, he smelled her fear. If she spots him, she might be tempted to flee, but he could easily catch up with her. After all, he was an Alpha, which gave him the power of speed and strength.

As he came out of hiding and approached her, she turned around and began to run with her long legs. Simon was quicker.

Simon eventually caught up to her and punched her in the side of the stomach, which caused her to fall to the other side of the tree. She was crying out in pain. She was in so much pain that Simon could see it, and he even noticed her mouth moving. She was saying something.

She started to cry, but that wouldn't stop him from feeding on her.

As he approached, she wanted to run away from him. He was furious at how hard she was trying to get away from him when his paws grabbed her legs and dragged her closer to him. He had eaten humans before, but they didn't seem to be as stubborn as this girl. Simon dug his canines into her stomach and began to feed on her.

Despite her screams, Simon was unable to free her. He only cared about killing her.

Devil is his vicious, ruthless wolf. It was just as furious as Simon was so Simon was powerless to direct it.

He continued to consume her because he believed he was getting his revenge.

When Simon heard loud music suddenly coming from a particular direction, his gaze traveled the path before coming to rest on a cellphone. Her phone was ringing. He was enraged by the noise the phone was making. He pulled his teeth from her flesh and with his talon, ended the call.

He could see how much pain she was in when he turned back to face her.

Simon had never gone through anything like that before. He wasn't sure why, but he felt weak on the inside.

He has a heart of stone. His wolf was a vicious one. Wicked wolves don't care about other people. Not to talk less of a human.

What was wrong with him? He was clueless.

As Simon drew nearer, he could see how terrified she was. His eyes were glaring at her as if they were going to keep eating her. However, the reality was different. While Simon was supposed to continue eating her, he instead began to sniff her.

He could still smell fear around her, despite the fact that she had no scent other than her perfume. She caught his eyes when she opened them and when he looked into her clean, brown eyes, he was immediately absorbed.

What was going on with him? That's a question he'll keep asking himself.

Suddenly, both Devil's and his own facial expressions changed. They weren't sure why they had such strong feelings for this particular human. Never before had they shown mercy to humans. Always, they take human lives.

In pain, the girl screamed. Her wound was gushing blood and bleeding incredibly quickly.

Simon gave her a long sniff before turning to leave and remaining motionless on the ground.

He also began to experience unpleasant pain without knowing what was wrong with him. He had never experienced such agony before. Something seemed to be tugging at his chest and it hurt a lot.

Simon glanced away from her body for a moment, then immediately returned his attention to her. He wasn't aware of the cause of his pain until he recalled his father's words when he was still a young pup. His father had described the suffering and joy that werewolves experience when they find their mate. It also determines the type of circumstances they meet. Be it under happy or sad circumstances.

Mate! 1

Mate! 2

Mate! 3


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