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The Alpha's Unblessed Wife novel Chapter 7

Akiah’s POV

My heart continued to race erratically, the aftermath of what had transpired. I couldn't help but question my actions, pondering why I had allowed myself to dance with other man and experience such happiness in that moment. Regret weighed heavily upon me now; after all, I was a married woman, and my actions had been indiscreet.

In my haste to escape, I inadvertently found myself in the presence of my mother. The party was drawing to a close, and the guests were gradually departing. Discovering my mother there was a relief. She sat gracefully on the sofa inside the house and beckoned me to join her. Without hesitation, I complied.

"How was the dance?" she inquired, wearing a smile that betrayed no hint of disapproval, as if my actions were perfectly acceptable. My cheeks flushed immediately in response.

My mother couldn't contain her amusement at my reaction, teasing me as if I were a child caught doing something she disapproved of. She chuckled, complimenting my appearance and asserting that dancing suited me.

"Come on, Mom," I protested.

She continued to smile, her laughter fading into a more sincere expression. "You should always wear that smile," she said. "You're more beautiful than me, I'll concede that, but only when you're happy. Right now, I can tell something's amiss."

My thoughts swirled, and I paused, lips pressed together in contemplation, my life's tapestry unspooling before me. My husband and the profound emotions he had stirred took center stage in my reverie.

"Mom," I began, grappling with the best way to recount the turbulent path my life had traversed over recent years. It had been a journey from the pinnacle of happiness to the bottomless abyss of unending agony and sorrow. The weight of it all had left me utterly drained. "I don't believe I can endure this marriage any longer... Gustav has undergone a profound transformation."

As I prepared to unburden my heart to my mother, she enveloped me in a comforting embrace. In that tender moment, my emotions flowed freely, tears streaming down my cheeks as I surrendered to the solace of her arms. Her gentle back caresses and the soothing words whispered in my ear offered a glimmer of hope, promising a brighter future.

"I regret not always being there for you," my mother murmured, her voice quivering with emotion. "Being a Luna was a daunting responsibility. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for my shortcomings."

Chapter 7 1

Chapter 7 2

Chapter 7 3


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