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The Alpha's Unblessed Wife novel Chapter 9

Samuel’s POV

The ceremony gracefully drew to a close, regrettably leaving me bereft of another precious glimpse of her enchanting presence. My unwavering determination to scour every nook and cranny of the venue, in the fervent hope of rekindling our fleeting encounter, ultimately remained unfulfilled. Alas, there were no further traces of her ethereal essence, and the relentless march of time proved a stern master, forcing my reluctant departure and depriving me of another chance to feast my eyes upon her mesmerizing form.

As I wended my way homeward through the twilight, the captivating memory of her beguiling beauty clung to my thoughts with an unyielding grip. Each time I closed my eyes, her exquisite visage and our graceful dance together resurfaced in vivid hues, a tableau of longing etched upon my mind. The tender memory of her delicate touch upon my neck, as well as the luminous aura that enveloped her, remained eternally etched as an indelible presence within my soul.

Upon finally parking my car, my heart raced with a mixture of trepidation and anticipation. I entered my abode with swift, eager steps, harboring the hope that my children had, by now, surrendered to the embrace of slumber as the sun dipped below the horizon. With a cautious heart, I ventured into their bedroom, only to be met with astonishment—and perhaps a dash of my own imprudent judgment—as I discovered that they were still wide awake. Without hesitation, they rushed into my open arms, enfolding me in a warm and affectionate embrace.

"You two are up quite early," I remarked with a gentle smile, my arms wrapped lovingly around them as I lifted them up. My hand tenderly stroked their backs, a soothing gesture to accompany their unabated excitement. "How was your sleep?"

"It's okay, Dad. Seraphim is just so nosy!" Soval grumbled, his trademark furrowed brow and pouting lips on full display. He possessed a penchant for outspokenness, never one to shy away from articulating his desires and dislikes.

I chuckled softly and shook my head in amusement, fully embracing the warmth of this cherished moment. "Well, it's hard not to be energetic when you've just woken up! Who wouldn't be a bit annoyed by that?" I teased, affectionately acknowledging their unique personalities. Seraphim, the spirited and lively one, stood in stark contrast to Soval's serious demeanor. He was a young scholar, possessing a voracious appetite for books, as if he were a wise old soul trapped in a child's body.

"Oh, I couldn't contain my excitement! Remember my dream, Soval?" Seraphim's voice rang out in exuberance, piquing my curiosity. Seated on their bed, Soval promptly positioned himself in front of me.

"Seraphim had quite a dream, Dad. It's rather extraordinary, really, because we both shared the same dream," Soval began to explain.

"Yes, Dad! I told Soval about my dream, and he said he dreamt the exact same thing!" chimed in Seraphim.

My brow furrowed, their words providing me with intriguing fragments of their dream. I shook my head slightly, folding my arms as I leaned forward. "Tell me about this dream."

"We dreamt that you were going to introduce us to our new mother!" Seraphim exclaimed with sheer delight. She leaped up, her excitement evident as she darted toward the door as if expecting someone to materialize. Meanwhile, Soval quietly slipped off the bed, gazing at me with pleading eyes.

Chapter 9 1

Chapter 9 2


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