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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart novel Chapter 202

Brittany shook her head, "Don't spill the beans, okay?"

She didn't want to stir up more trouble, let alone beef with Loraine.

Hannah took a swig of champagne, chilled for a bit, then patted her chest, "Relax, Brittany, my lips are sealed."

Brittany knew despite Hannah's love of gossip, she could be trusted with secrets when push came to shove.

"Alright, I'll drop by with some lunch in a few days." Brittany said.

Hannah's face lit up at that. But thinking about Isaac's prickly personality, she started worrying that he might throw a spanner in the works. But the promise of a good meal was too tempting, she didn't think twice before saying yes.

The party hadn't even officially kicked off yet, but the atmosphere was already buzzing.

Loraine entered the room and all eyes were on her. She was always one for showing off, and today she was dressed to the nines, looking every bit the proud princess.

All the bling she was wearing was designed by Brittany.

The reporters were all over it, snapping away like crazy, not wanting to miss a beat.

Loraine greeted every guest, but when she saw Brittany in the crowd, she stopped in her tracks. Then she walked over and said, "Brittany, thank you for coming to my five-year anniversary bash."

Brittany took her hand and flashed a warm smile, "Ms. Field, you look stunning."

"All thanks to your designs." Loraine boasted, "Look at this jewelry, all designed by Brittany."

She paused, looking a bit sheepish, "Brittany, about what happened three years ago, I owe you an apology. I want to take this opportunity to formally apologize to you."

She looked genuinely remorseful, and her voice was loud enough for everyone to hear. The cameras turned on Brittany, waiting for her response.

The whole scandal about Brittany being framed was old news. Loraine's previous apologies sparked public outrage, which in turn had Brittany's fans kicking up a storm, dragging Loraine into the spotlight too.

Now, she was making a public apology again, but this time, she might have an ulterior motive. She had apologized. If Brittany's fans still wouldn't let her off the hook, then it would be Brittany's problem. When the time came, she'd just need to do a bit of media manipulation, and Brittany's reputation would take a hit.

Brittany saw right through her scheme, knowing that a simple apology couldn't erase what happened three years ago. And with the Fields backing Loraine, Brittany couldn't make a move yet.


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