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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart novel Chapter 874

Chapter 874 

In an instant, the thick stench of blood filled the air, and Brittany felt an unexpected weight 

in her arms. 

Instinctively, she clutched Isaac closer and nearly screamed. 

“Call an ambulance!” 

Joie’s eyes widened in shock, clearly not anticipating that Isaac would take the fatal blow meant for Brittany. 

With a clatter, the shard hit the floor. 

“Grab her!” 

Nathan rushed in with his security team, quickly subduing Joie. 

Joie struggled and ranted, vowing to finish Brittany. 

The commotion caught the attention of Grace and the other guests. 

Upon seeing Isaac’s bleeding wound, Grace’s face turned pale, and overwhelmed by emotion, she fainted. 

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Manuel took charge and cleared the guests, while Noel, seeing his brother’s profuse bleeding and Brittany’s shock, panicked. 

After finding someone to apply first aid to Isaac, everyone was too anxious to relax. 

The paramedics arrived with haste. 

As Isaac and Grace were loaded onto the ambulance, Brittany, her eyes swimming with 

tears, followed tremblingly. 

As she passed Joie, she heard her hoarse voice, “Brittany, you’ll eventually die by my hand!” 

“Joie, you better pray Isaac’s okay, or I swear, you’ll wish you could die!” 

Joie burst into maniacal laughter, her eyes fixated in a direction, “Brittany, you think you’re so clever, but you have been played from the start!” 

Confused, Brittany asked, “What do you mean?” 

Joie’s expression carried an eerie undertone. “Brittany, haven’t you been probing into who poisoned you?” 

Brittany’s fist tightened abruptly. “How do you know I’ve been investigating?” 

She had handled it with utmost secrecy, how could Joie know? 

Joie’s face twisted with malice as if savoring Brittany’s surprise, “Didn’t you ever wonder, 


Chapter 874 

if you could find out who poisoned you, why Grace couldn’t?” 

Brittany stood thunderstruck! 

But before Joie could continue, a gunshot rang out! 

“It’s a gun!” 

The servants scattered in terror. 

The security guards, seeing Joie close to death, went after the shooter. 

Brittany was left alone in the courtyard with Joie lying in a pool of blood, her consciousness fading. 

Standing over her, Brittany demanded, “What did you mean by what you said?” 

Joie, coughing up blood and likely knowing she was dying, laughed, “We’ve all been played, right from the start! Everyone on that ship was bound for Craneville for experimental trials. The Salter family has always been conducting experiments, and Isaac was on their list.” Joie gasped, her words aligning with Charles’s investigation. 

“So what?” 

“Brittany,” Joie’s body was shaking. “If I had run away back then…” 

Her eyes grew distant, regretting not believing Brittany, not fleeing with her-perhaps then 

her fate would be different. 


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