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The Billionaire's Maid Bride novel Chapter 209

In a blink, all eyes were once again on Allison.

Everyone was silently waiting for her answer.

Allison shook her head, feeling a splitting headache. "The first time" She mumbled, "I sold."

At this, everyone exchanged glances.

Nathalie was hoping for nothing more than to see Allison's reputation go down the drain; the more scandals, the better. She pushed, "Who'd you sell it to?"

Jason suddenly froze. He couldn't believe his eyes as he stared at Allison with her clear and innocent eyes. He felt a lump in his throat but couldn't bring himself to be angry.

Her eyes were breathtakingly bright.

Her gaze swept over everyone present before landing on Lucian's face. Penelope Flanagan jumped, worried that a drunk Allison would let the cat out of the bag. She quickly stood up and said, "Allison, you're wasted. Let me get you home!"

Saying this, Penelope walked up to Allison, taking her by the arm saying, "You really are hammered; let's get you some rest."

Allison seemed to be recalling something. She shrugged off Penelope's hand, a mocking smile on her lips. "Ms. Flanagan, I'm not drunk. Why should I go home? What's up with you? You look weird."

Only then did Penelope realize she'd lost her cool.

Luckily, most people were too focused on Allison to notice Penelope's emotional slip. Penelope quickly recomposed herself, afraid of giving herself away, and gently said, "Allison, we grew up together. You messed up before, but we're still family. You're drunk. " Penelope thought better of it and decided to take her home herself to prevent any further incidents.


Jason stood up, looking at Penelope, and asked, "You guys done yet?" He took Allison by the arm and said, "Let me take you home."

"No." Allison pushed him away, her eyes clouded, looking at Jason. "I'm not drunk. I'm fine. Why do I need to rest?"

Her gaze landed on Lucian's face again. The man, sitting right across from her, The first time?


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