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The Billionaire's Maid Bride novel Chapter 647

Emma caught wind of the latest gossip and couldn't wait to spill the tea. "Word on the street is that Penelope's making her big splash into showbiz next month. With her being the Lindberg family's darling granddaughter-in-law, she's got all sorts of connections lining up offers. And Kenneth? He's already thrown a ton of scripts her way. She's got her eyes on 'Jennifer's Journey.'"

Allison pondered for a moment. "If she's really after that script, there's no way I can compete, even if I've already signed on."

"I'll reach out about 'Jennifer's Journey,'" she resolved.

Emma nodded. "If 'Jennifer's Journey' lands in Penelope's lap, I've got a Plan B for you. I've snagged the rights to a new fantasy epic by Director Jason Moon called 'Departure.' It's a tale of enchantment and heartache, with top-notch art direction, wardrobe, and a solid cast. The studio backing it is Orion Media—big budget, prime-time broadcast slot already booked."

Knowing Allison had her sights set on movies, Emma tried to be supportive. "You're young, and the road to movie stardom is long. Great scripts don't come around often. We can't waste time waiting for one. You're on the rise, and if the right film script doesn't come along, it's better to be picky. But in the meantime, a TV series could be a smart move."

Allison nodded. "Okay."

Emma then went through Allison's schedule for the month.

The cast of 'Fragments of Truth' had weekends off, just like a regular job, so Emma had booked magazine shoots and commercial gigs for those days. With Allison on board for 'Fragments of Truth,' and her star on the rise, endorsements were pouring in.

Allison glanced over the schedule—it all looked reasonable.

Each shoot was about four hours, ensuring it wouldn't cut into her beauty sleep. She was adamant about getting enough rest for her on-set performance the following day.

"Emma, I'm counting on you to handle this. You've got a real knack for it," Allison said, full of trust.

Emma managed her affairs with excellence, always keeping the calendar from getting too cramped.

Allison moved to the fridge and grabbed some fruit, washing it carefully. "I just spoke to Paige about that buzz on the trend list. Let's just ignore it. No use stirring the pot. It's just a photo, and it's not threatening me." She knew these things had a way of sorting themselves out.

Emma nodded. "I saw that leaked shot the moment it hit the trend list. You were resting, so I didn't disturb you. But Valeria's been overstepping her bounds, using her seniority. It's only been a week, and she's already causing trouble."

Allison, slicing the fruit, kept her voice low. "The production team will deal with it. Wade takes this film seriously. We shouldn't get involved—just keep an eye on the online chatter. Wade will handle it. A leak like this is a threat to the whole project. Last night's scenes will probably be reshot tonight. If we can see that Valeria's behind the leaked photo and the manipulated trends, don't you think Wade can too?"

"Got it," Emma said, understanding the situation.

Allison arranged the sliced fruit on a plate and settled onto the couch. "Our move is to do nothing."

"Do I need to prep a high-quality photo of you as a backup?" Emma asked. "Valeria deliberately used a retouched photo of herself and sharpened yours to attack your looks. She's trying to market herself by stepping on your image."

Allison looked up from the fruit, her gaze steady. "Let's wait and see. Sometimes, the best move in this game is to keep your cards close and play them at just the right moment."


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