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The Billionaire's Maid Bride novel Chapter 594

“You just said, you’ve got word that Allison has evidence in her hands?”

“Yeah, it took some serious sweet-talking to pry that out of Paige. That woman’s lips are sealed tighter than Fort Knox. I gave a handbag to her for gathering the information.”

“Paige is one of Patty’s pawns, so if she knows, Patty definitely does. So tell me, why hasn’t Patty let Allison call a press conference to clear her name? Not only is she not clearing the air, but there’s not even a peep on Twitter denying the allegations. It’s like she’s content to let this whole mess just fade away with time, reduce the heat.”

“Why would she do that?” Analia was genuinely puzzled.

“Because, my dear, Patty can’t afford to cross Penelope.”

Analia still didn’t get it. “What does Penelope have to do with any of this?”

“Analia, you’ve been at my side for years now. Don’t tell me you can’t recognize Penelope in those scandalous photos.”

Analia’s eyes widened in shock. “Penelope? Why would someone like her get involved in such sordid affairs?”

“Just like you, most people can’t fathom it, so they dismiss the idea of Penelope being involved right away. Even when the face in those pictures is a spitting image of hers. After all, the account that leaked them pointed straight at Allison.”

Analia gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. “It really is Penelope? My God, she’s wealthy, and Lucian’s fiancée... why would she do something like this?”

“How should we know? But even with the evidence in Allison’s hands, Patty’s still playing it safe. She is probably scared of offending Penelope. Patty’s always been a schemer, calculating every move.”

“So that’s Patty’s game. She’s clever, trying to keep Allison under her thumb for the support of her backers, yet not wanting to upset Penelope. Does she really think she can have her cake and eat it too?”

Charlie smirked. Her lips were curling with disdain. “Those who are too greedy end up with nothing.”


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