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The Billionaire’s Secret Quartet novel Chapter 1704

Lysander was the epitome of elegance and authority, dressed in a bespoke black suit that accentuated his distinguished aura. His presence commanded attention without a word, his features sculpted as if by the hands of a master artist, exuding an air of nobility and grace.

He made his entrance, seated in a wheelchair, with a woman of intellect and grace pushing him forward. That woman was Rosalind!

They were surrounded by a throng of people, moving at a pace that was neither hurried nor slow.

The event organizers were practically tripping over themselves to cater to Lysander, showering him with compliments and eager to please.

“Mr. Sinclair, it’s been years since we’ve seen you grace the business world with your presence. Without you, it’s like we’ve been missing our kingpin. No one can match your charisma. Now, with your union to the Whitman family, it’s a powerhouse alliance. The business world will practically be at your and the Whitman family’s feet.”

Lysander remained silent, his deep gaze fixed straight ahead.

The organizers continued to brown-nose: “Ms. Whitman is the embodiment of intellect and elegance, a beauty unmatched. She’s the perfect match for Mr. Sinclair.”

Rosalind smiled and nodded at the organizer’s words; she enjoyed hearing them.

She loved hearing how well-matched she and Lysander were, believing it to be true herself. In her eyes, no one could be a better fit for Lysander than she was, both in status and in beauty.

Thalassa watched them approach, hearing every word said by the organizer. Everyone knew about Lysander and Rosalind’s engagement. The organizer hailed them as a perfect match, and while Rosalind smiled in agreement, Lysander said nothing, offering no opinion.

Having been by Lysander’s side for so long, Thalassa felt she understood him. His silence was his assent.

Men, she thought, always placing power and status first.


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