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The Billionaire’s Secret Quartet novel Chapter 1859

To give Payton a fighting chance, he naturally played up Payton's strengths while subtly undermining Lysander's weaknesses.

His words successfully infuriated David, who was standing by. Stepping forward, his face flushed with anger, David retorted, "Trenton, just because Mr. Sinclair is temporarily in a wheelchair doesn't mean he's down for the count!"

"David!" Before David could continue his heated retort, he was cut off by Lysander's chiding voice.

Turning around, David saw Lysander's face, taut and stern, and knew Lysander had a plan. He nodded slightly and stepped aside.

Lysander gazed deeply at Trenton, having heard the exchange between Wyatt and Trenton, as well as their respective champions.

Despite the flurry of comments, Lysander remained silent, not for lack of something to say, but because he was sizing up the situation.

It was clear now. Wyatt, for his own interests, wanted him back in control.

And Trenton, aiming to support Payton, wished for him to stay out of it, to remain an idle figure, allowing Payton to keep the CEO position.

Lysander's piercing gaze fixed on Trenton.

Initially, Trenton could meet his gaze, but within seconds, he was subdued by Lysander's sharp look, his confidence faltering.

A conciliatory smile crept over his serious face as he said, "Lysander, after all, I'm practically your uncle. I'm only looking out for you. With your condition, it would be best to rest at home. Being CEO is demanding, and with your health not as it used to be, if anything were to happen to you, how could I face your late parents?"

Trenton's initial disdain for Lysander's disability was apparent, and now, despite his grandiose phrasing, his message was the same.


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