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The Billionaire’s Secret Quartet novel Chapter 1917

Alaric stared at the dishes on the table, his voice tinged with disbelief, "We're having plain porridge for dinner?"

Hertha paused mid-motion, pointing at the two dishes on the table with her chopsticks, "Isn't this enough for you?"

"One plate of herbal greens, and another of some nutrient-lacking vegetables. Is this what you serve to a sick person?" Alaric's appetite vanished at the sight.

Having not eaten for two days, he was famished, his stomach practically glued to his back.

But the sight of these dishes completely killed his hunger.

"You really do have the appetite of a prince, so hard to please! I cooked for you out of concern for your illness, and you dare to complain about my hard work!" Hertha was fuming.

She picked up a bite of the sautéed cress with pork and brought it close to Alaric's mouth, "Isn't this meat? How is it just 'greens'?" As the chopsticks neared, Alaric caught a whiff of the strong herbal scent, quickly leaning back and pinching his nose, "Get that away from me, it's making me nauseous."

Seeing him dodge like that, Hertha was truly puzzled. She withdrew the chopsticks and popped the sautéed cress with pork into her mouth, enjoying it thoroughly, "How can you not even taste such delicious food?"

Hertha loved the dish, considering it a delicacy.

There were no ingredients left at Alaric's place, so she had brought some from her own home. Her pantry wasn't well-stocked either, just some cress, a bit of lean meat, and greens.

She had brought everything over to cook for him, and he still wasn't grateful!

She really should have left him to his own devices!

But remembering how he had called out "Hertha" in his sleep, she softened, deciding not to hold it against him.

Alaric, watching Hertha enjoy what to him was an unappetizing dish, imagined the weird, bitter taste it would have and involuntarily frowned.

"Enjoying it?" Alaric raised an eyebrow at her.


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