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The Billionaire’s Secret Quartet novel Chapter 1935

Thalassa recognized them in an instant—her four little treasures!

The kids had indeed grown a lot taller than they were three years ago. The boys were starting to look like young men, and the girls had blossomed into the beauty of youth. Yet, their faces remained the same as before, only shedding their former baby softness for a more youthful vigor.

Standing tall, the two boys sported buzz cuts, and the two girls had their hair in ponytails, all of them brimming with energy. They had been eagerly scanning the entrance when they spotted Thalassa. Instantly, their faces lit up with overwhelming joy.

"Mom!" they exclaimed in unison.

Breaking into a run, they all headed straight for Thalassa, who felt her breath catch and tears well up in her eyes at the sight. She opened her arms wide to welcome them into her embrace.

Like little rabbits, they dashed to Thalassa's side and threw themselves into her hug. Thalassa remembered a time when hugging her four little munchkins left room to spare in her arms, but now, as she wrapped her arms around them, they felt almost too short to hold them all.

"Mom, it's been so long, I missed you so much! Mom, you look more beautiful and younger every day. I've been telling my classmates that my mom is the prettiest, youngest-looking mom in the world!" Dorian, always the chatterbox, looked up at Thalassa with pride and excitement shining in his eyes, as bright as the stars in the sky, as if he was looking at the world's most precious treasure.

"Mom, I missed you so much. It's been so long since I saw you. I heard from the coach that we could see you on Saturday, and I've been counting down the days," Elowen said, trying to hold back tears, but they wouldn't listen.

"Mom, I missed you too," Sophia said, dabbing at her eyes.

Despite their bravery, they were still just kids, and in such an emotional moment, tears were inevitable. Especially upon seeing their beloved mom.

"Mom, I told my brother and sisters that I saw you before," Atticus said, much more composed than the others.

With tears in her eyes but a smile on her lips, Thalassa held the children tight for a while before letting go to look at them closely. They had matured in appearance, but their expressions and demeanor were as unique and special as ever—Thalassa's forever treasures.

With tearful eyes and a smiling face, Thalassa said, "Mom missed you all so much, too. Every day for the past three years, I've thought about you. But studying hard is your responsibility, and Mom doesn't want to interrupt your education. I'll come to visit more often from now on."

"Yeah, Mom, we understand. Studying is our duty, and we won't slack off," Dorian nodded vigorously.

"Mom, didn't Dad come with you?" Elowen asked, her thoughts turning to her beloved father. She remembered that before they came to school, their dad had been seriously injured and was hospitalized. She wondered how he was doing now.

At the mention of Lysander, Thalassa stepped aside to look towards him and said, "Your dad is here, sweetie. He's been here all along."

Elowen's eyes followed Thalassa's gaze and landed on Lysander, who was sitting in a wheelchair. Immediately, Elowen's mood turned to sorrow, and tears streamed down her face. "Dad, what happened? Can't you walk anymore?"


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