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The Cursed Lycan novel Chapter 1

Chapter 1

They say there are three kinds of love.

The kind you kill for.

The kind you die for.

And the kind you do everything to live for.

But a cursed soul like mine was never destined to experience any kind in my love book. My heart is void of emotions, and the sound of love irks and irritates the shit out of me. It makes me extremely angry and makes my stomach churn badly, like I would puke.

How can people fall in love when it has the potential to destroy them in the blink of an eye?

There should not be love in this world, and that is what I plan to do when I climb up on that throne as the Lycan king. I will create a world where romance or any of it's kind doesn't exist. It would be forbidden, and death would be the punishment.

Love had ruined me. It had crushed me into tiny pieces. The pain is overwhelming and consumes you like an unending, raging fire that burns but does not kill, leaving you tormented for the rest of your life.

Fuck it!

I was a freak of nature. I grew up watching two of my mates die in my arms under the savage and cruelty of my beast. I've been my mates serial killer for three years since I turned 20—Now 23. The curse no one knew about befell me and had entirely turned me to a monster.

Every full moon, I become a ferocious creature under my Lycan beastly form and hunt down my mate like a prey. I would return to my normal state only after I murdered and devoured her heart. It was horrifying because I would be fully conscious of what I was doing, and every scream, cry and wailing she let out would never leave my head.

I kept seeing the dreadful figures of their gruesome deaths taunting me. How I ripped her flesh and plucked out the eyes would kept replaying in my head, reminding me that I was a killer. I would transform into a heartless beast, destroying my mate who had sparked the love in my heart just every full moon of the year.

The moon goddess knew I had this curse and kept connecting me to my mates. I abhorred her for this. Those beautiful girls only come into my life like a fresh breath of air and the storm in the summer, appearing like light to brighten my world and make me feel normal, only for it to end under a year because I would assassinate them no matter where they hide.

Those three full moon days of each year, I would be locked and chained in a cave, where I would face the greatest torment of my life. My body would transform into my Lycan beast and I would feel like I was burned in consuming pain. Yet, One way or the other, I would break my way out and trace my mate who I must kill to return to normal.

This must be the most horrible way of living, and after killing three of my fated mates, I noticed how extremely powerful I had become, but at the same time, I turned into a wild fire that burns and can't be quenched. You know what that means? I turned into a cruel being that doesn't have a heart of compassion.

Love became a taunting word in my ears, that I could remember killing couples because I saw them kissing. I live in the demonic darkness of my heart. I don't feel what others feel. Not even sex was able to make me feel any better. My parents fear me and struggled to stay around me, but I never wanted to stay with anyone. I hate being around people because I feel the loneliness of being a killer among them

How they look at me only reminds me how heartless and evil I was. The only service I provided to the kingdom was on the battlefield, where I used my great powers to destroy the enemies without the warriors having to do much. Yet, they all trembled every time they saw how I butchered the enemies gruesomely that their dead bodies state becomes an eyesore.

Now, it was another new year and the full moon was approaching. It was eventually a new year to face that most painful moment of my life when I meet the pretty innocent girl that sparks the deepest overwhelming love in my heart, only to get herself butchered to death by me.

Can you imagine the kind of life I live? Do you know how scary it grew to be? Everyone runs away from me, and now parents in the kingdom hide their daughters away from my sight because if the mate bond ever link me with any, then her days are numbered. I was a curse that should have never existed.

My name is Jason Haven, the Lycan prince of the Red Moon kingdom. I'm 23 years old and will turn 24 this year, marking the fourth year of this hellish existence. I wonder the girl whose turn it will be this time.

A knock sounded on my door, breaking me away from my thoughts as I spun to face the it.

"Son, please, we need your presence in the palace." My mother's voice stuttered in, sounding fearful. I don't blame her, my anger issue is beyond normal.

"Tell me why." I replied bluntly, hissing silently at myself for sounding harsh at my mother. I could remember when I was normal and those twenty years were memories so precious to me, but taunted me when I come to realize it were all gone. Like, I'd never go back to my old self. I was now a freak feared by everyone.


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