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The Debt of Kiss Lasts Forever novel Chapter 1

Liza was just coming out of her office when she heard a girl's cry from Department B.

"Why are You doing this to me.. I've done everything you ever asked, I've been faithful to you, so why are you leaving me - why? Why, when you know how much I love you and you said that you loved me too, so why then?"

It is Ruby's voice, the lover of the senior manager of department B. Everyone was so jealous of her because her boyfriend is so rich and powerful in the company. She is crying for him and he is heartless, he just doesn't care.

My mother was right about rich people. She’d say “rich people don't care about the feelings of others or what love is. “They just 'Use people and then throw them away." Liza thought.

Liza's life hadn't been good since her childhood. She’d had a good family life with a loving mother and a hardworking father but when her father began to earn really large amounts of money he changed. He left her mother and went off with a younger, more glamorous woman.

Her mother had raised her. She had suffered so much in order to provide Liza with a better education but three years before she died of a serious illnes, she advised her daughter never to fall in love with a rich guy as they never care about the feelingsof those who love them. Liza always kept her advice as one of the principles of her life and believed her mother knew best.

Liza was deep in thoughts, when she was disturbed by her phone. She only answered it after seeing that it was Julie calling her.


"What do you mean Hello?” A furious Julie replied “Did you forget that you had to go somewhere?”

"Ohh I just forget that you set up a blind date for me “Mother” , Liza said sarcastically “Can I not cancel it today?"

"What the hell are you saying girl? You can call me “mother” all you like but You have to go there OK?, I’m in a hurry, my boyfriend is calling me now so please hurry up and get there" Then Julie hung up!

“Ahh. I suppose that means I have to go there, this is Julie”, Liza thought.

Liza arrived at the restaurant where they were meeting. It was a very expensive place. It was especially designed with romantic couples in mind. Liza was admiring the decor when she heard someone call her name.


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