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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge (Anna and Justin) novel Chapter 1754

Everyone’s gaze focused on the open door. Christopher stood there, in full view, dressed in a suit, pushing a frail woman in a wheelchair.

“Bella, who is that woman in the wheelchair?” Justin asked, looking puzzled.

“She is Lance’s wife and Christopher’s mother,” Bella replied, her brows furrowed as she looked at Mrs. Iverson.

Justin’s eyes narrowed slightly as he vaguely remembered seeing Christopher’s mother once at Celeste’s birthday banquet.

Under her son’s careful grooming, Mrs. Iverson appeared elegant and noble at that time. Though ill, she still had a beautiful appearance and an extraordinary temperament, reminiscent of a wealthy lady from years past.

However, this time, her condition had clearly deteriorated. Her temples were gray, and her cheeks were sunken. Despite the warmth of the banquet hall, she still needed a blanket draped over her shoulders. Her face showed discomfort under the strangers’ gazes.

The Iverson father and son were shocked. Especially Lance, who was looking at his long-abandoned wife from a distance. He felt a mix of anger and resentment. He knew exactly what Christopher intended. Now that his son had gained a prominent position in the Iverson family, his first priority was to make up for his mother’s suffering and restore her lost dignity.

But this woman’s betrayal was vivid in his mind. No one could erase that. Christopher’s public appearance with this woman was a blatant test of Lance’s limits, a deliberate provocation. It also indicated one thing, although his fourth son was trying to please him in every way, Christopher had his own agenda.

“Dad, what Christopher is doing is outrageous and selfish!” James gritted his teeth, glaring at Christopher and his mother. “Bringing this crazy woman here is a deliberate attempt to embarrass our family. Just when that scandal was finally laid to rest, she showed up again, bringing it all back. Christopher claims to respect you, but he clearly does not care about your reputation. This punk is too cunning!”

Lance’s expression grew even darker.

At this moment, the surrounding guests looked at Mrs. Iverson with surprise, whispering among themselves.

“Is this the infamous Mrs. Iverson? How did she become so haggard? She does not look like a wealthy lady at all. She looks just like a dried-up old hag!”

“She seems to have some mental issues…”

“I heard she was abandoned by the Iverson family and left to fend for herself in Sentania for years, living a miserable life. It is no wonder she has mental problems!”

“One day of marriage is worth a hundred days of grace. Chairman Iverson is too heartless!”


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