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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge (Anna and Justin) novel Chapter 2100


Hearing Asher’s gentle, familiar voice, Arnold turned around with tears welling up in his eyes.

Just a few steps away, Asher stood there in a matching black suit, emanating an air of poise and charisma. He had been hiding it under his coat the whole time, unveiling it only now.

At that moment, Arnold, despite his obliviousness or innocence, finally grasped the situation. Filled with excitement, he let out a gasp, “Ah!”

At that moment, a magnificent display of daytime fireworks illuminated the sky, stunning and magnificent.

“Will you marry me? Of all the roses, none have captivated my heart the way you have,” Asher said tenderly. He walked toward Arnold slowly, his voice emotional and irresistibly alluring.

In the next instant, Asher got down on one knee, presenting a bouquet of vibrant red roses with both hands.

“Arnold, I love you. Will you marry me?”

The sky erupted in a dazzling fireworks display, with the entire city witnessing this romantic moment.

Tears welled up in Arnold’s eyes and rolled down his cheeks as he stood before the one he loved most.

In front of the person he loved the most, he wept, becoming a beautiful, tearful mess.

“Yes,” Arnold replied, trembling with joy as he accepted the roses. He could not stop crying, and his words were choked by sobs.

But that single “yes” meant more to Asher than a thousand words. Asher was so excited that his breath became heavy and his eyes turned red as he pulled the tearful Arnold into his embrace. “I was right, wasn’t I? Whatever others have, you will have too.”

“Why... Why are all the roses white?” Arnold asked in a trembling voice.

“For Ryan’s wedding, they used red roses. I was afraid that if I used red again, you might think I was just reusing leftover flowers to make do.” Asher then gently pulled out a silk handkerchief from his pocket and tenderly wiped away Arnold’s tears.

“Pft…” Arnold managed to laugh through his tears.

Asher continued, “But the most important reason is that when I see white roses, they remind me of you in your white lab coat.”

Chapter 2100 1

Chapter 2100 2


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