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The Enticing CEO's Chosen Bride novel Chapter 2090

"Go freshen up; I've made breakfast."

Cicely looked back at her sleeping child, then covered her face with her hands. After a moment of silence, she opened her mouth and asked, "What time is it?"


Cicely paused, then suddenly looked up. "So..."

Seth nodded subtly. "In just under three hours, Hugo will have his surgery. You're exhausted. You've been up all night, and you skipped dinner."

Cicely seemed dazed, flashes of her recent dream pricking at her consciousness, and she abruptly closed her eyes. A warm, broad palm rested on her head, and as she lowered her gaze, she saw a pair of expensive leather shoes stop in front of her, the trousers sharply creased.d2

"It's going to be okay."

Tears began to well uncontrollably in Cicely's eyes. She didn't want this, and she never wanted to rely on anyone, least of all Seth. She thought she could handle the responsibility alone, hiding away, but when trouble struck, she realized she was helpless.

Hugo hadn't even been taken to the operating room, and she was already falling apart. What would she be doing now if Seth hadn't come along?

She couldn't deny that Seth's presence was her rock.

Seth saw her condition, his hand tightening slightly around her, and he gently pulled Cicely into his embrace. "It's okay."


When Hugo woke up, he reached out across the bed, but couldn't find Cicely. Hugo looked confused, as if trying to remember if the past few days had been a dream. After a while, he reached out again to emptiness.

He couldn't help but pout and climb up on his own. Staring ahead with helpless and confused eyes, he choked down a few sobs and then suppressed the tears in his eyes.

From his time in the orphanage, he had learned to suppress his tears after too many disappointments. Crying would trouble the caretakers, and most importantly, it wouldn't bring his mother back.

But he believed that one day she would come for him. He just had to patiently wait. His mother wouldn't like a whiny, naughty child.

After breakfast, Cicely, worried about Hugo, softly pushed open the door, only to find Hugo already sitting up, his lost and confused eyes suddenly fixing on her direction.

"Mommy?" His voice uncertain, his face tense.


Hearing Cicely's voice, Hugo's lips tightened, and tears threatened to spill from his eyes.

Cicely hurried over and held Hugo in her arms. "I'm here."

Hugo clung to Cicely's neck as if afraid of being left behind.

Seth stood at the doorway. It had been so long since he’d seen Cicely show such affection. The proud and radiant girl was also nervous, tender, perplexed, and fearful.

She changed from a girl to a woman to a mother. He had shaped all of this, and yet he was the least entitled to it.


At nine o'clock, it was time for Hugo's surgery. Cicely was ice-cold, holding Hugo tightly, refusing to let go.

"Cicely, you need to put Hugo down."

Cicely looked troubled.

"Mommy." Hugo, sensing Cicely's distress, cupped her face and pressed his forehead to hers. "I know mommy must be the most beautiful mommy in the world, and I really want to see what mommy looks like."

Cicely's tears finally fell. "Hugo..."

How could she not hear that her child was comforting her? She felt so useless, letting Hugo comfort her instead.

Hugo pursed his lips, tears swirling in his eyes again. "I'm not scared. Mommy shouldn't be scared either."

Cicely nodded fervently, holding back the overwhelming sorrow and fear, kissing Hugo's cheeks. "Okay, mommy's not scared. Mommy will be right here waiting for you."


Seth took Hugo from her arms and laid him on the gurney.

Seth’s hand rested on Hugo's forehead, easily seeing the tension and fear in his eyes. Then Seth gently ruffled Hugo's hair. "I'll take care of mommy for you, you just sleep, and when you wake up, I'll be right here with mommy."

Seth's deep voice seemed to carry a magic, calming Hugo's deep-seated fear. Hugo noticed the hesitation in Seth’s voice but obediently nodded.

Seth forced a smile and stood up straight.

The doctors hurriedly wheeled Hugo into the operating room. Cicely, on impulse, wanted to follow, but Seth pulled her into his embrace.

"Hugo's going to be okay, right? Seth, tell me that our son is going to make it." Cicely clung to Seth's arm, enveloped in anxiety and fear, oblivious to Seth's momentarily rigid body.

He looked down at her, returned to his senses, and nodded, reassuring her once again. "Yes, he's going to make it. The best ophthalmologists in the world are in there. They won't let us down."

Even though his own heart was filled with worry and anxiety, and he felt every bit of Cicely's emotions, he couldn't show weakness in front of her.

Watching the helpless woman in his arms gradually calm down, he led her to a nearby chair to sit.

Cicely's hands were clasped tightly, resting against her chest, her eyes fixed on the operating room door, her heart tormented.

After what seemed an eternity, the operating room door opened. The surgeon emerged, removing his mask to reveal a face covered in a fine sheen of sweat.

At the sight of the doctor, Cicely should have rushed forward, but she froze in her chair, unable to move.

Seth, unable to rise immediately with her in his arms, looked up at the doctor. "How is he?"

The doctor closed his eyes and exhaled, "It was a success."

Seth clenched his jaw and closed his eyes, the weight that had been on his heart finally dropping. He turned to Cicely, whose tears had already silently turned her into a weeping figure. "It's over, Hugo will soon see the world."

Cicely's tense eyes suddenly blinked, and she nodded. "He's going to see, he's going to see..."

Relief washed over her, and the next moment, she fainted into Seth's arms.



One month later.

Cicely was lost in slumber when a soft, warm kiss landed on the tip of her nose, stirring her from dreams. The breath that grazed her skin was cooler than one might expect. Her brow furrowed slightly as her eyelids fluttered open to the blurry outline of a familiar, youthful face that gradually sharpened into focus. The boy sitting beside her bed had features of delicate beauty, his dark eyes sparkling like stars twinkling in the night sky as they gazed upon her.

Frozen in place, Cicely's gaze was locked onto those eyes, unwavering for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, the child beside her stirred, crawling closer and reaching out to gently touch Cicely's face. "I always knew Mommy must be the most beautiful mommy in the world," the boy declared with a certainty that belied his tender years.

Trembling, Cicely lifted her hand to grasp Hugo's, whispering, "You can see now, can you?"

Hugo's smile widened, his small hand now tracing the bridge of her nose. "Mommy's nose, so pretty," he said, then moved to her eyebrows. "Mommy's eyebrows, so pretty."

His fingers continued their journey to her eyelids. "Mommy's eyes, so pretty."

And finally, they rested on Cicely's lips. "Mommy's mouth, so pretty."

Finishing his tour, Hugo looked up with a burst of joy. "Just like me."

Cicely raised her hands, cupping Hugo's face tenderly, her fingertips quivering as they brushed the corners of his eyes. "Hugo." she breathed out.

Hugo nodded, nuzzling into the palm of her hand. "I can see Mommy now."

Cicely sat up and gathered Hugo into her arms, examining his face with an intensity born of love and relief.

Seth stood at the bedside, his expression softening at the sight before him.

Hugo had been free of bandages for two days now, but the world was still adjusting to his newly regained vision. He had woken up early that morning, eyes wide open, taking in the crisp details of his surroundings—the ceiling, the curtained windows, the vibrant sunflowers on the coffee table, and the tall, handsome man standing in the doorway.

Ignoring the intensity in the man's gaze, Hugo turned his attention to the beautiful woman sleeping beside him, her scent as familiar and comforting as ever.


After a few more days of observation in the hospital, they were cleared to return home. Cicely's complexion had been pale since boarding the plane.

Hugo, filled with wonder for this new world, had his face pressed against the window, marveling at the cotton candy clouds. When he grew tired, he fell asleep in Cicely's arms, and Seth gently covered him with a blanket. His movements were soft and caring.

Cicely watched as he tucked the sleeping child in, his long fingers pressing the blanket beneath Hugo's chin, his touch lingering on the boy's soft skin.

Cicely bit her lip and turned her gaze out the window, breaking the silence with a soft confession. "I haven't figured out how to live with you."

Seth withdrew his hand and looked at her for a moment before looking down silently.

The plane touched down in P City.

Hugo, having slept through most of the flight, was still in Seth's arms as they disembarked and got into the waiting car. Cicely followed closely, expecting to return to Emerald Valley Estates. Instead, the car stopped in front of Cicely's Mansion, a gift from Creighton for her coming of age.

Three years had passed, yet it still resembled a princess' castle. Hugo's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at the mansion.

"You and Hugo need an absolute quality living environment, and this place was meant to be yours, so don't worry about anything else. The people in charge of looking after you inside are the original servants from the Ellis family."Seth said.

Cicely's eyes quivered softly.

"Mommy, is this our house?" he asked in awe.

"Yes, Hugo. Would you like to live here with Mommy?" Cicely replied with a gentle nod.


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