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The Enticing CEO's Chosen Bride novel Chapter 2091

"Ms. Cicely, could you please go check on Mr. Diaz?" Charlie asked, with a hint of desperation in his voice.

Cicely narrowed her eyes, her frown carrying a chill. "I thought after all his efforts, he was over it, ready to let me go."

Charlie swallowed hard, the comely man's eyes reddening before her. "Yes, Mr. Diaz thought so too. Ms. Cicely, he's been back from abroad for over twenty days now. He hasn't shown up around you, has he?"

A tight sensation gripped Cicely's chest, her fingers curling slightly. After a long silence, she turned her head aside. "So? What's wrong with him?"

Clutching his fists, Charlie slowly said, "If you go, maybe then we will find out what's really going on with him."

Cicely spun around, her gaze piercing as she stared at Charlie. Seconds later, she let out a scoff. "You think it's fun to play me?"d2

Charlie took a deep breath, his eyes closed. "Do you really think I'd leave my work, and risk my paycheck, just to play a trick on you? Ms. Cicely, you're the apple of Mr. Diaz's eye. Would I dare to play you?"


Charlie drove Cicely back to her mansion, her expression colder than the frost on a winter's window.

"He gets you to play the sympathy card just to bring me back home?" she questioned, her tone icy.

Without a word, Charlie drove past the grand gates of Cicely's Mansion and into the adjacent, more imposing estate. He opened the car door for her, and at the entrance of the villa, a man stood waiting. As she approached, he strode forward and gave her a thumbs-up.

"Well done! I've never been so enlightened," he said with a mix of sarcasm and awe.

Cicely frowned at the burly man before her and took a step back. "What's this about?"

Kane sneered, turning to admire the splendid villa. "The house is grand, the decor lavish, but it's all wasted on that asshole living alone."

Cicely's brows knitted even tighter. Kane's crude language was grating to her ears. "Kane," she warned.

"What? Is it just my language you can't stand, or do you not like hearing Seth called an asshole?"

Cicely's expression turned icy.

Kane took a deep breath. "I'm amazed. To think he'd drive himself to the brink of death over a woman."

Cicely's fingertips trembled slightly.

"Go inside. Could you at least check if that idiot is still alive?"

Usually, Seth was as cunning as a fox, not swayed by hard or soft tactics, except for Danielle.

In the end, it was all a facade.

What they said about Danielle being the one he held dear to his heart and soul was all a lie. He was just deliberately deceiving a woman's feelings to make her a willing blood bank.

His methods were damn despicable.

Even if Danielle was a heinous woman, she didn’t deserve this. He should've kept things separate.

How did he convince himself to become such a despicable person?

And now, after all his wrongdoing, he suddenly wanted to be a good man. How idiotic.

"Ms. Cicely," Charlie interjected, pulling her from her thoughts.

She glanced at the villa and pursed her lips. "You two are his trusted assistant and best friend. I doubt my presence will make things go your way."

Kane suddenly turned, his frown deepening as he looked at her, then he kicked the car beside him in frustration. "For heaven's sake, just try, okay?! What do you want me to do, get down on my knees and beg?"

Kane was known for his carefree, wealthy playboy antics. No one had seen him this crazed or grim.

Her trembling fingers clenched tightly, the pain sharp in her palm. Without another word, she stepped into the villa, Charlie and Kane following.

The familiar design, furniture, and decorations were all her doing.

The living room was empty.

"He's upstairs in the master bedroom," Kane said from behind her. "He's been locked in there for seven or eight days now. At first, he was dealing with business matters, but these past few days, he's shut down completely. Not eating or drinking, acting like a lunatic."

Cicely was called over without any clue of what had happened. Now hearing this, all she could do was frown deeply. "Not eating or drinking for seven or eight days?"

Kane's face was grim as he gave a dark laugh. "He's been worse, locked away for a month once, surviving on glucose. He's tough."

Cicely's heart clenched, her eyes trembling before she looked up at Kane. Her lips parted as if to speak, but no sound came out.

Charlie glanced at her, then after a few seconds of silence, took a deep breath and suggested, "Ms. Cicely, I'm sorry we called you here on such a short notice, but now that you are here, maybe we could talk first."

Cicely's brow twitched involuntarily. "Talk about what. I don't want to know too much."

"Perfect, because I'm curious to hear what's to be said. Let's all listen." A deep, steady voice came from the entrance, and everyone turned to see Damon walking in with Chloe.

"Damon! Chloe!" Kane greeted them, though his enthusiasm was lacking.

Charlie nodded respectfully as well.

Cicely's face paled, her grip on her purse tightening as she instinctively stepped back, her desire to flee obvious.

Chloe's gaze had been fixed on Cicely since entering, and upon seeing Cicely's reaction, Chloe's eyes flickered slightly. Standing beside Cicely, Chloe looked into her eyes with an intensity that seemed to hold her captive. "You followed Charlie here today, so you must have some idea of what's happening, right? Charlie said Seth's not doing well, and you came," Chloe stated, her voice calm yet commanding.

Cicely's fingers quivered, a flash of vulnerability crossing her face.

“Nobody's trying to twist your arm into forgiving anyone, but you came here to lend a hand, right? You gotta at least hear the guy out before you can actually help, don't you think?”

Cicely didn't want to put on a show in front of Chloe. It was pointless. She knew Chloe was sharp as a tack, a woman who’d weathered many storms. Chloe had clawed her way to where she was by learning how to read people like a book.

Releasing her clenched, trembling hands, Cicely closed her eyes for a moment and then slowly nodded. "Alright." Cicely gave a wry smile. "Let's hear how rough he's had it over the years."

Chloe’s recent words had struck a chord with everyone present.

In truth, Cicely didn’t hate Seth. She even hoped he was doing well. So her words came off as bravado and denial to the others.

Cicely knew what they were thinking and let out a scoff before moving to sit on the couch. "He's had a tough time, and it breaks your hearts. You're anxious for him to find forgiveness here, as if my not forgiving him makes me heartless. So, you think, compared to him, I've had it easy these years, and I've got sympathy to spare for him?"

There was silence for a moment.

Damon walked over to Chloe and ushered her to sit beside him on the couch. "If you don't wanna hear it, just go upstairs and bring him down. No one's stopping you."

"Damon." Chloe grasped his hand, not in agreement.

But Cicely stayed put. She was supposed to bring him down? Nobody told her she had to!

Seeing Cicely unmoved, Charlie breathed a sigh of relief and spoke up.

"Ms. Cicely didn’t want to see him, and he tried everything to spring her from jail, but then all news of her was locked down tight. Ms. Cicely was determined to serve her time, and at first, he seemed unfazed.

"The media had a field day, claiming he was the one who had her locked up. The online backlash was relentless. I know Mr. Diaz doesn't care about gossip, but then the financial hardships started.

"Diaz Tower needed a rebuild, but the banks called in their loans. C&P Entertainment was hit hard by public opinion, all contracts with their talent were frozen, production deals were stalled, and money was sunk with no returns. Without the funds for Diaz Tower's rebuild or to repay the bank loans, there were sharks circling to buy out Diaz International, including the land Diaz Tower stood on, offering dirt-cheap prices. Mr. Diaz said the deal wasn't done; he didn't agree, and in the end..."

Charlie paused to collect himself before continuing. "Later on, Mr. Diaz sold the Diaz family estate."

Cicely's eyes flickered involuntarily, and her poised figure on the couch stiffened.

"As you all might know, the Diaz family had lived there for generations. Despite renovations, it was the Diaz family's roots. And it sold for a hefty price due to its prime location. But it was nowhere near enough to rebuild Diaz International or pay back the bank. Mr. Diaz worked tirelessly, wining and dining, ending up in the ER several times from overdrinking, just to negotiate with the banks and scrape together enough to start rebuilding the tower we see today.

"The mess at C&P Entertainment wasn't resolved when the Ellis family had a shake-up. Some shareholders banded together, trying to oust the Ellis family from power. Between the overt pressure and underhanded tactics, Mr. Diaz was also wrestling with everyone.

"That year, no, those months, were utter chaos. What I'm telling you is just the tip of the iceberg; there were layers of other problems.

"During that hectic time, I thought the incident with Ms. Cicely going to jail was being forgotten.

"He was too busy, and life was too hard. Mr. Diaz had no spare moment to dwell on unchangeable facts or a woman who despised him. He was always composed, never mentioning you, even indifferent when others did. I thought getting past that chaos without a scratch wasn't a bad thing, but two months later, when things started settling down, he began to withdraw, staying away from the office, eventually shutting himself in his room. At first, he was still dealing with company paperwork, but then he stopped caring about that too. I was worried he'd starve, so I shoved glucose and water through his door, reminding him daily to eat and drink.

"It was only later I realized what I thought was transition wasn't. He just hadn't had the time to think about you. Then it hit me, Mr. Diaz fought to keep Diaz International because you wanted it; he intended to present it to you as a wedding gift. He fought for the Ellis family, ignored C&P Entertainment, let it fend for itself.

"I don't know what he was thinking, locked away. Was it guilt over your father and Isaac’s deaths, or was he feeling your prison sentence was your way of getting back at him, proving how much you hated him? Or was he still figuring out how to be with you again.

"He was holed up for a month, unreachable. If Erik hadn't fallen critically ill, who knows, he might've died in that room.”

Cicely slumped into the couch with the same posture as before, but now utterly drained. Her gaze was hollow as she stared at the spotless coffee table. In her clasped hands, now clammy with cold sweat, her fingers twitched unconsciously.

Beside her, Damon frowned. "You didn’t knock the door down?"

Before Charlie could respond, Kane, somewhat agitated, chimed in. "Knock it down? I told you what happened last time. No sooner had I finished speaking than that jerk opened the door and started wailing on me without a word. Damn near killed me."

Charlie added, "Everything in here was handpicked by Ms. Cicely, including that door. It was her choice."

The living room fell silent, five people lost in their thoughts, until Kane let out a snort, breaking the stillness.

After a moment, Charlie glanced at Cicely, who remained impassive, her gaze lowered. He pursed his lips and said, "I won't go into details, as I suspect Ms. Cicely isn't in the mood to hear more. But this time, I think the reason behind all this is still Ms. Cicely. Recently, Mr. Diaz had me lift the travel ban that had been placed on her aunt. Ms. Lana has been back for a couple of weeks, and Mr. Diaz has been increasingly agitated. I'm guessing he's worried that you might take your son and leave with Mrs. Lana."

It was a tug-of-war within him; he wanted her free yet didn't want her to leave.

Chloe's grip tightened ever so slightly, her emotions battling within her. What would happen if things continued this way?

Three years ago, it was Erik who suddenly became seriously ill, and Seth survived for three years to get Danielle's blood.

But what about this time? There wouldn't be another illness, nor any desire for someone else's blood. So, what to do next?

After much thought, Chloe agreed with Charlie's approach. It was all up to Cicely now.

Chole glanced at Cicely, who hadn't moved an inch, her head still lowered, and her expression unreadable. Chloe couldn't say anything; after all, it wasn't her place to meddle too much in other people's affairs.

All eyes were on Cicely, waiting for her to make the next move.

Kane was the most impatient, and seeing her unmoved, his brow knitted tightly. "Cicely, you're just going to sit there?"


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