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The Enticing CEO's Chosen Bride novel Chapter 2102

A shiver of ice threaded its way through Cicely's being, chilling her to the core. She rose from his embrace, her freshly dried hair cascading over her shoulders. Her natural, uncolored locks made her complexion appear even more luminous. "What are you getting at?"

Seth stared at her with an inscrutable gaze, his dark eyes betraying none of their secrets.

"I want to be with you, in every way possible. We should live under the same roof, sleep in the same bed, and Hugo should call me Dad and you Mom. We should be a family, officially. So..."

He paused, then continued, "Can we get married? Will you marry me? Can I marry you?"

Cicely blinked, momentarily lost for words. Her mind was a whirl of kitchen knives, blood, and emergency rooms.

"I don't want to wait anymore." Seth's tone was even. "So is it true that if I pay back Issac's life, you'll agree to marry me?"d2

Cicely stared at him for a long time, wanting to scoff, but her lips merely twitched. "Am I going to marry a dead man?"

Seth pressed his lips together, "Let's have the wedding first."

"Have the wedding and then have me play the grieving widow? I'm telling you, Seth, that's not happening. If you die, I'll move on with Hugo and remarry immediately."

A shadow crossed Seth's brow, a chill creeping into his gaze. "Try remarrying, and see what happens."

"What does it matter to you if you're dead?"

Seth let out a cold laugh, "If you dare remarry, I'd turn the underworld upside down just to come back and find you."

Cicely caught her breath, instinctively inhaling sharply. "You're insane." Anger turned her face ashen, her breathing uneven.

Seth simply pulled her close, guiding her to sit on his lap. "So, did you just agree to marry me?"

Cicely furrowed her brows, "Are you dreaming?"

"Weren't you talking about remarrying?"

Cicely hesitated, "Were you serious just now?"

Seth's voice was husky as he kissed her cheek, "Yeah, I want to marry you."

Cicely looked down, her delicate face tense, "I was talking about Issac!"

Seth didn't reply, burying his face in the crook of her neck with a soft "hmm."

Pushing his hands away, Cicely drew back. "That's enough."

Seth watched her impassively, his voice deepening, "Enough of what?"

"I said it's enough." she reiterated coldly. "You win, okay? I can’t stand to see you hurt or dead. The thought of you in surgery had me scared to death. Is marriage what you want? Fine, I’ll marry you."

"Damon says the most important thing in life is to be comfortable. Grandpa says the dead will never be as important as the living. Everyone thinks I'm being melodramatic, tossing and turning until I nearly lose you to know fear. They all live so freely and clearly, each one convinced that you love me more than anyone else, dropping hints left and right to make me let go.

"Yes, they’re right. I'm being ridiculously sentimental. I’m holding on to my righteousness too tightly."

Seth listened quietly, his hand soothingly stroking her back, his expression calm. "Though I dislike others meddling in our affairs, and even less so that you were persuaded by them to be with me, I'm still grateful. As long as there's a reason for you to be with me, no matter who says it or what they say, I'll accept it."

Cicely clenched her fist.

Seth looked up at her, "When you said you still loved me, I was happy, but that was all. You loved me three years ago, yet you still left me. Now, I just want you with me. I don't expect your love; my love for you is enough. But if your love for me is a reason for you to stay, that's all I could ever ask for."

She closed her eyes as her lashes trembled slightly. He'd said too much. More than once, he expressed his determination to be with her.

Before, he would never speak of it, but now, he feared she wouldn’t understand. Some of the words were so honest that one would love them and hate them.

She said she loved him, and to him, it was just a pleasant thought. If he only said pretty words, it wouldn't be him, and she wouldn't believe it.

Honesty often grates.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.

Cicely continued, "I'm new at this, not as enlightened as they are. Right or wrong, stubborn or obsessive, it's fair for them to point things out. But it's not like I have to agree with everything they say.

“It's not about forgiveness. I don't pity you, nor am I compromising because you're relentless. I don't have time for convoluted thoughts. I simply want to. I want to make my life better. I still love you, and I won't fall for another man. I can't share a bed with another man, let alone... you know. I don’t want to live like a widow at such a young age. You're rich, powerful, capable, and you love me to death. By being with you, I have everything to gain."

"Get married?" Cicely echoed, then nodded. "If you take good care of me, provide for me, and can handle my tantrums and mood swings, then I'll marry you."

Seth's caressing hand paused. Cicely looked at him, "What? Can't do it?"

His eyes darkened, "That's it?"

"That's what?"

"Keeping you happy, affording you, and handling your mood swings."

Cicely raised an eyebrow, "Not enough?"

He pulled her close, his voice muffled against her neck. "Ask for more. Demand more. Otherwise, I won't feel secure."

"I'll think of more later. If you’re insecure, then don’t marry me. Let go. I want to sleep."

Cicely reached out to push him, only to be held tighter. Seth's low, husky, dulcet voice coming from the crook of her neck. "I will."

"Oh, are you still bringing up Issac?"


"Good. Then I won't marry you."

He hugged her tighter, "I won't mention him."

Cicely's gaze softened, "Let go, I'm tired."

Seth hesitated, then held her gaze without letting go, "You napped this afternoon."


"You've been abstinent for two months. Do you need me to take care of you?"

Cicely stiffened, her face flushing a sudden red as she pushed him away and scrambled onto the bed. "I don't need it!"

"It's been two months..."

"I've been fine for three years. Get out, Seth. You're still injured, you must be out of your mind."

Seth turned and followed her, "I can find other ways to help you."

Cicely burrowed under the covers, her voice muffled but tinged with irritation. "If you say that again, get off the bed."


The next day, while Cicely was still nestled in the cocoon of sleep, the news of her impending marriage to Seth had swept across the internet like wildfire.

Ever since Seth had parked himself at her place, she rarely had the chance to make Hugo's breakfast. It wasn't that she was shirking her duties, but with Aunt Lana and Seth falling over each other to tend to Hugo, sparks flied, and she figured she might as well bow out. It meant more freedom for her.

When she awoke, Seth was nowhere to be seen. She stretched languidly, propped herself up against the headboard, and lazily reached for her smartphone on the nightstand.

When she skimmed through the news, her drowsy gaze sharpened at the sight of headlines blaring about her marriage to Seth.

She headed downstairs for a bite. Seth must have timed her descent perfectly, because the moment she appeared at the top of the stairs, there he was, waiting. "Take a seat in the dining room. Breakfast will be ready in two."

Sitting down, Cicely leaned on the table, watching Seth bring out breakfast from the kitchen. "Everyone online is talking about us getting married. Did you do this?"

"To ward off any hopeful contenders." Seth slid into the seat beside her, cracking an egg and peeling it for her. "You don't like it?"

She shook her head as she picked up her utensils, "Not at all."

Seth fed her the egg, bite by bite, until it was gone. Then she spoke up again. "Let's just get the marriage license sorted, no need for a wedding."

Seth's gaze darkened slightly, and he reached for a napkin, meticulously wiping his fingers. Silence settled over the dining room.

Cicely had finished her breakfast and set down her fork that Seth stood to clear the plates. Suddenly, she said, "Being together is what matters, right? It's just a formality. It's not that important."

Seth paused with the dishes in hand, waiting for her to finish. "They're the same wedding planners you hired back in the day, you know. They didn't think you found weddings unimportant then."

Cicely hesitated, not expecting him to move so fast, to have already contacted the wedding planners. "Back then, I was young and full of vanity. I wanted a wedding that was grand and exquisite to announce to the world I was marrying you. Now, I think…"

"Cicely," Seth cut her off, "no woman doesn't want a wedding."

She smiled, "Chloe didn't have one, did she?"

"You think Damon would let her miss out?"

She fell silent. She knew Damon adored Chloe. He'd rushed back for their engagement party, so of course, he wouldn't let her go without a wedding.

"I just don't want the fuss. Everyone knows we're getting married. We don't need a ceremony." Cicely was firm, her heart set against reliving imperfect memories that would force her to feign happiness.

"I've already started planning."

"Then cancel it." Her tone left no room for argument.

Seth was silent for a long while before finally conceding, "Okay."

He turned and walked back into the kitchen, his dejected figure stirring a bitterness in Cicely's heart, along with a twinge of guilt.

After a moment, she followed him into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind. "Let's go get the license first."

Seth tensed, his gaze fixed on the running water, silent.

"Once we have it, I'll move into our place." Her concessions, an obvious attempt to soothe him, were clear. "Did you wear out the bed set I bought back then?"

Finally, Seth found a clean towel, dried his hands, and turned to face her. "We'll buy new ones."

She smiled, "I'll shop for them."

It was rare for Seth to see Cicely smile like this in his presence, her eyes soft and filled with smile. He couldn't resist leaning in to kiss her nose, murmuring a low "mm-hmm."


In the afternoon, Seth took Cicely to get their marriage license. The entrance to the registry office was swarming with reporters. Their probing questions came fast and furious, with Danielle's name coming up more than once.

Charlie had sent people to protect Seth and Cicely, but the reporters were relentless.

"Mr. Diaz, congratulations on your wedding!"

"When and where will the ceremony be held?"

"Will the media be invited to the wedding?"

Few media outlets dared to cross Seth, and since they couldn't ask about Danielle, they stuck to the happy occasion. But Seth seemed somber, his face devoid of joy even though he'd just remarried Ms. Cicely and gotten what he wanted. In contrast, Cicely's face was alight with a subtle, happy smile.

"Thanks for the well wishes, but a ceremony isn't necessary for a remarriage."

"Ah, but back then, you didn't have a ceremony, did you?"

Cicely's smile didn't waver, "The wedding isn't what's important. What matters is that we're together."

The media turned to the silent Seth, finally realizing that he was genuinely unhappy. Sensing the mood, the reporters dispersed.

Online, the news of their license and the absence of a wedding spread far and wide. Many expressed their regret.

"I was looking forward to Ms. Cicely's wedding, expecting unparalleled luxury, a feast for the eyes, but it fell through."

"Didn't we all? A beautiful bride, and a handsome groom, just the thought is enchanting."

"I thought with them back together, a grand wedding was back on the cards, but the princess is saying no again."

"I heard her childhood bodyguard died saving her wedding dress. Maybe she's afraid of stirring up painful memories."

The conversation dwindled.

The details of what had happened back then were hazy, but it was a big deal, and it had cost someone their life.


Cicely didn't want to see Damon anytime soon.

Hugo wanted to see Chloe, Seth was at the office, and she had time to spare to visit Chloe. To bump into Damon, who should have been busy with business affairs, in broad daylight was just her luck.

It was impossible to deny Damon's commanding presence. Years of navigating the high seas of corporate strategy had honed his ability to exert an overwhelming force whenever he spoke, especially around her, where his words seemed to bear down with an added intensity.

Chloe had raised this issue with Damon once, and his response was characteristically blunt. "Cicely's the type who's been coddled and praised her whole life. If you're all sweetness and light with her, she'll just assume you're supposed to fall in line. She's been spoiled rotten."

Chloe got it. Sugarcoating words for Cicely was less effective than laying out the stark choices: no way back, move forward or stand still.

Every time Cicely saw Damon, she wanted to bolt. Even married, she didn't think he would let her off the hook easily.

"Is is your choice about the wedding?"

"Do you even blush mentioning other people's weddings?" Cicely snapped, seizing the rare opportunity to take a dig at him.

"Is my business any of your concern?" Damon's voice was ice-cold.

Cicely pursed her lips and shot him a defiant look. "So could you maybe also stay out of my business? Whether I want a wedding or not, what's it to you?"

"And you think I enjoy meddling in your trivial affairs?"

Cicely retorted, "So what? My wedding is none of your concern, right?"

"A rotten apple that's about to fall from my tree desperately needs to be picked. You hold a wedding, and I'll hand it over."

Cicely scoffed, "So you want to offload that rotten apple onto me?"

"Useless to me, but apparently priceless to you. Are you sure you don't want it?"

Cicely should have countered Damon right away, yet his tone left her speechless. Few dared to question Damon's words, especially when he said something held "priceless" significance. She couldn't imagine anything in the world that held such meaning for her.

"Keep planning the wedding."

Cicely protested, "I don't want to."

Damon was unyielding, "I don't care what you want. I'm determined to get rid of that thing, and you're going to want it whether you like it or not."

Cicely sneered, "What are you going to do? Chain me to the wedding venue?"

Damon glanced at her dismissively, "Want to try me?"

Cicely felt a lump in her throat. Then she watched, stupefied, as Damon called Seth—

"She's agreed to the wedding. Keep the arrangements going."

Cicely was speechless.

After hanging up, Damon tossed something at Cicely. It was a sleek, black pistol.

She was stunned.

"Seth's life might as well have been saved by me. You like to play with life and death, huh? Well, if you don't hold that wedding, I'll be displeased. If he can't do it, he can just give his life back to me. Saves me the trouble of looking at such a disappointing friend in the future."

Cicely felt lightheaded, "Is that really necessary?"

Damon's expression was unreadable, "Completely."

Chloe was in the corner, playing piano with Hugo, fully aware of the commotion in the living room but kept her amusement to herself.

Cicely stormed off, leaving the pistol on the coffee table.


Later that night, Seth asked her why she suddenly agreed to a wedding. Cicely's mood was erratic as she absentmindedly scrolled through her phone. "Curious about what kind of surprise Damon has in store." Each word seemed to be uttered with a bitter edge.

"The wedding doesn't need to be over the top. No need to go abroad. Let's have it in P City, Grandpa can't travel easily."




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