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The Forgotten Wolf novel Chapter 5

Old Memories

Prince Philip was dreaming again.

In his dream he saw himself holding a beautiful a lady; who was gravely injured, her hair white as snow soaked in pool of her blood.

He was crying.

A war was raging around him but he didn't care, the most important person in his life was about to die.

"Why? Why? Why did you do that Odin?"

"I did it for Love, for you. It is my destiny to die and I want you to live. We wolves fought against ourselves for Powers but no matt what we are one. I have to die for peace to reign. I am sorry", Odin replied, tears in her eyes.

"But not this way, why did you have to sacrifice yourself for those who don't love you? You know I can't live without you".

"But you have to live, for me. I have accepted my fate. I promise you I will come back. You are important to me and that was why I did what I was supposed to do. My love you have to live and wait for me". Odin said

"I love you Odin", Philip said slowly wiping off the blood sear on her face as if it was burning her. 

Odin closed her eyes, a smile adorned her beautiful face, as her eyes closed in death.

 Love was in his eyes. "I will wait for you Odin forever".

No sooner had he said so, the sky darkened and every wolf on the battle field were freeze, Philip and Odin were the only people that weren't frozen. A lady appeared right in front of them dressed in white.

"Who are you?" Philip asked, ready to fight her.

"You asked silly question child, I am here to help you", the lady in white answered.

"Then please don't allow my love to die, save her". Philip begged.

"Do you really want her to come back again?" The mysterious lady asked Philip.

"Yes I do"

"The sacrifice has been made and every wolf would live in peace until 90,000 years when she will be reborn. I am here to take her body with me and you; you will live as she had told you, but memories will be gone. If it heaven's will you will meet her in he future".

"As long as I get to meet her again, I will wait for her and yes we will meet".

Philip said as he took a last look on his lover. Odin started fading together with the lady.

"Wait who are you?"

The lady smiled as if expecting that question.

"You have come face to face with the moon goddess".

Was her reply before she vanished.

Prince Philip woke up with a start

What kind of dream is that? What was the dying girl saying about the sacrifice? Who was she? 

He thought.

He has has been dreaming before but never with a girl dying in his hands and he has promised her he would wait.

Although no denying, the lady looked so familiar to him as if he knew her from somewhere.

He was sure he had seen the face before, but where?

Chapter 5 1


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