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The Forgotten Wolf novel Chapter 6


Chapter 6

King Reed was aberrant of what he heard. It was absurd.

"B... but who could have released them? I was told they can't be released, so who has such powers to do so?" King Reed asked the high priestess acrid.

"Well it seems that someone released the wolves, I was shown a girl; although her face was covered, she was the one who released the wolves from their cage", the high priestess replies.

"But how? I was promised that they won't be released, I want to know who has the guts, who has such powers to release the Odinlete wolves".

"I was not shown her face but I think you should ask your former High priestess, she might know a thing or two and would solve this". The high priestess Luciana said.

"But could she be? I haven't set my eyes on her ever since that day, it has been so long I have heard from her. You of all people should know what had happened to the high priestess before you". King Reed said acrimonious.

"Only she can solve this mystery". Luciana told Reed.

"Even if I find her, would she help me after what I did to her 90,000 years ago. Anyway I will try to find her first". King Reed said  then turn and shouted "Guards".

The door to the throne room opened and two guards came in, bowing their heads.

"Announce to the whole kingdom that anyone who knows the whereabouts of Arizona, the former head priestess of Crescent should come; he or she will be rewarded".

"Yes my king", the two guards said and left the throne room to deliver the message around the kingdom.

"Now we only have to wait and pray to the moon goddess for someone to know her whereabouts". Luciana told the king.

Annabel was speechless and shocked, her mind racing like a hailstorm; Arizona again?

Erica and Eric were still kept in dark, they do not know who was Arizona neither do they know why their parents were shock earlier on when Luciana mentioned 'Evil Odinlete wolves'.


Odin and her grandmother journeyed that night to some unknown destination.

"Grandmother, where are you talking me too?" Odin asked for umpteenth time since they began the journey. But as usual the old Lady gave Odin her normal reply.

"Don't worry Odin we would soon reach where I want to take you too".

They came upon a clearing and the old woman bent down looking for something.

"Where is it? It has to been here somewhere", the old lady whispered to Odin's hearing.

'Ehmm, black wolf, do you think she wants to harm me? I am scared you know' Odin thought.

The reply came sooner.

Chapter 6 1


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