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The Glimpse of My Past novel Chapter 9

Unknown Person’s P.O.V.

It had been three years already, but I still could not stop thinking about her. Three years had passed, yet I still could not find the woman I had been searching for.

She was probably a minor by that time so, she might have looked different by now. But one thing was for sure—that she might have looked even better. She might have bloomed into a much prettier and sexier woman, but where could I find her? Where in the earth she could ever be found?

I was willing to pay for any amount if I could find her sooner. For me, she was more than an ounce of gold. I wished that we could start all over again too—far from how we had met each other. I would trade everything for a single chance of being with her and make up for that one horrible mistake I did before.

Smoldered with deep regrets from what had already happened, I would like to spare this one—I would never regret that she came into my life and changed my perspective on it. Just in case the two of us would cross paths again, I only wished that she would forgive me for the fault that I inadvertently made.

It was indeed a miserable and wrong time when I first saw her, but I still believed that everything had a valid reason. I might not know about it for now, but I was hoping that eventually, I would be able to know the reason why our lives got intertwined that way. I could no longer correct that mistake, but hopefully, I would be given another chance to make up for the number of years her life was ruined all because of me.

If I hurt her before, I would protect her now, and I would not do anything for her to be hurt again. I would do everything for her to be happy now and for the next days to come, I promised that.

I might be crazy at that time. My mind was floating somewhere else that I could not think straight anymore, but I was sure of one thing. It was not because of drugs that I did that unforgivable thing to her. It might be impossible to believe because it was too soon, but I guessed I fell in love with her at first sight.

When I carelessly took her virginity on that night, I knew that she undoubtedly took my heart, and I wasn’t able to get it back.

Like her, I was also a victim.

My parents were left with no other choice but to sue my friends for mixing a high dosage of sex drugs in my wine. That was the main reason why I acted so wild and did the unjustifiable hell thing that I would repent for the rest of my life.

It was my birthday celebration, and my friends were mocking me for still being a virgin despite my status and age. Because among our troops, I was the only virgin left.

Love At First Sight 1

Love At First Sight 2

Love At First Sight 3


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