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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call (Wynter Quinnell) novel Chapter 1049

Chapter 1049 Geomancy Skills 

Shane cried out hysterically, Why didn’t you tell me anything? If you did, I wouldn’t have-” 

Fabian interjected with a disdainful snort, What? Would you not have adopted a stranger and have been a good father instead? You put more faith in a fortune teller’s words than anything else

Listen here. Sevie can not only read a person’s fate from their face, but she’s also knowledgable in geomancy. She’s the one who quelled the chaos at the hotel and 

restored order in the house.” 

The crowd was astounded by the revelation and started whispering among 


I think there’s more to that than meets the eye. Heck, she even predicted Mason’s fate!they exclaimed

Amidst the chatter, Kolton remained silent. Although he could predict a person’s fate, he hadn’t mastered the skill to pinpoint an occurrence’s time and location

Kolton refused to believe that he was inferior to Wynter. After all, he had been training in the mountains and outshined his peers at a young age. He couldn’t 

possibly lose to someone who wasn’t even a cultivator

Kaspar didn’t appear to be surprised by Fabian’s disclosure. Instead, he asked Wynter curiously, Where did you learn about geomantic layouts, Wynter?” 

From the internet,Wynter nonchalantly replied. She had found recommended answers online, especially regarding fortunetelling and geomancy

As a believer of science, Wynter effortlessly grasped the logic behind it

For instance, a house should be facing the sun and wellventilated rather than 

staying dark and humid. Or, a person’s fortune would be improved as long as they maintained happiness and adequate sleep

With such knowledge, Wynter easily incorporated geomantic layouts into her interior designs

oshots sind Blairma each teh apuachdem ty has wply they had spant an 

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mencuờing managed to 

Arthama Tompa best hurty kosh Do you had that that a yawning gen 

between you and Wynter It’s a great loss for Magon to let go of such talent” 

kotton once again fell his pride wounded by Kaspar’s teasing remark. At that 

moment, he deeply regretted agreeing to Shane’s request 

On the other hand, the relatives stared at Wynter with eyes full of greed and 

They had witnessed the Quinnells recent meteoric rise, whose names were constantly on the headlines and trending searches. There wasn’t a person who hadn’t heard of the Quinnell Group

Interestingly, the Quinnells had never invested in advertisements or public relations While the relatives were initially dumbfounded by the Quinnellssudden fame, they finally realized that Wynter was behind the incidents

If Wynter agreed to help arrange their housesgeomantic layouts, they would become as successful as the Quinnells! At such hopeful thoughts, the relatives. tumed their expectant gazes toward Wynter


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