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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call (Wynter Quinnell) novel Chapter 1050

Chapter 1050 Retribution Has Arrived 

You won’t get away with this. You’re not the only one who knows the art of the Arcane Way: There are people more powerful than Kaspar Stavius out there. They 

just haven’t revealed themselves yet

You’ll face him if you get rid of us. He’ll make you regret ever being born.” 

Decaln’s words sounded like a curse, unsettling those who heard them

Wynter, however, was completely unfazed. Her eyes were pitch black. Her original sinister arrogance emerged after she shed her disguise. I will be waiting for him to make me regret it.” 

Declan let out a cold laugh, but before he could say anything more, Liam stumbled. over from the other side. MMr. Quinnell! The SWAT officers!” 

SWAT officers? Declan paled when he seemed to realize something

Wynter stood calmly beside him. Perfect timing. The Quinnell family started as national businessmen, which means you can’t just sell us out to Foplyan 


Let me remind you that what you’re doing is akin to treason. The Quinnells have technologies that aren’t for public use. You don’t get to decide how things are done

Back then, my Grandpa Gordon gave you a way to live, but you squandered it. After all these years, you still haven’t been able to change your demeanor from your time

at the base.” 

Daclan’s pupils dilated in shock. How could Wynter have known about the base

Wynter unfolded a newspaper in front of everyone. If you can’t change your 

treasonous ways, then you’ll have plenty of time to reflect on it in prison. After all

you’re not even considered a true Cascadian anymore.” 

Declan began to tremble when he saw the Youth Daily newspaper in Wynter’s hand

She looked at Declan. We both know your background can’t withstand scrutiny. All your espionage charges can be easily dug up.” 

Wynter continued slowly, You mentioned a medium more powerful than Kaspar Stavius. I’ll find him and make sure he joins you in prison. After all, both of you 

conspired against Grandpa Gordon.” 

Declan’s face turned deathly pale. He knew he had miscalculated, and there was no 

way to turn things around this time. Not only had he lost his shares, but there was also no chance of escape now

There was no way for Declan to seek help from outside anymore. The person he had counted on hadn’t shown up, either

It was as if Declan had remembered something when he suddenly shouted, Do you want to know who he is? You should understand given your knowledge of the mystic 

art, right

He is not someone of a simple background. He’s been plotting against the Quinnells all along. If you let me live, I’ll tell you who he is!” 

Grandpa Gordon’s remains are here. I won’t let you live. I want him to witness your being imprisoned.” 

Wynter continued as she spat her words slowly and deliberately, And forevermore

there will be no chance for you to get out. Neither will anyone else who tries to harm the Quinnell family.” 

Chaos erupted as the SWAT team swarmed in


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