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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 122

The blow he'd dealt to Lucius this time was bound to sting. And for that woman, Kendra, divorce was no longer an option she could avoid. So he could soon withdraw from the situation, return to being single, and be with Natalia. By then, he could tell Natalia everything. He could tell her that he was already able to stand on his own two feet, as he couldn't bear to see Natalia tire herself out, massaging his legs and pouring over medical books all day and night.

Due to the enormity of the scandal, the stocks of the Andersen Corporation had started to plummet. So naturally, Magnus, as one of the involved parties, had no choice but to step up and hold a press conference.

When Magnus arrived at the press conference, the media swarmed him, bombarding him with questions. Paul, who was accompanying Magnus, nervously tried to shield him from the reporters. He had the bodyguards separate the reporters, then said, "Please direct your questions at the press conference. Our CEO will address your queries one by one."

The very fact that Magnus agreed to appear at the press conference was indicative of his intention to confront the issue head-on. Once Paul made this clear, the reporters ceased their relentless pursuit.

The bodyguards cleared a path for Magnus, who was in a wheelchair, to smoothly roll onto the stage.

As soon as Magnus arrived, the reporters started firing off their questions.

"Mr. Andersen, what's your opinion on the affair between Lucius and your wife?"

While they were unfamiliar with the disposition of the elusive CEO of the Andersen Corporation, the reporters felt that such a scandal would naturally be hard for any man to bear. Therefore, they were waiting, ready to capture photographs of Magnus losing his temper with their cameras. They planned to write some sensational articles later, which would undoubtedly generate a lot of online clicks.

However, Magnus was well aware of their intentions and merely offered a small smile. Then, in a calm voice, he said to the reporter, "I am deeply pained by this incident. As Kendra's husband, it is indeed hard for me to accept that she betrayed me. But after some time to cool down, I have made a decision. If my brother Lucius and Kendra truly love each other, then I, Magnus, am willing to let them be. I have already instructed my attorney to file for divorce. Given the negative impact this incident has had, we at the Andersen Corporation have taken disciplinary action against Lucius. So the reason I called this press conference today is to make it clear that this matter is in the past. I, Magnus, respect those two individuals who couldn't resist the pull of love. However, I am deeply saddened by their actions."

The reporters, who had planned to provoke Magnus with probing questions and then exaggerate the facts to keep the scandal alive, were taken aback by his lengthy response. They were even more surprised to see Magnus, who had been subjected to such a humiliating betrayal, remaining calm and composed.

He neither condemned his wife and brother who had betrayed him together nor showed any anger. Instead, he decided to divorce Kendra and let the two of them be together. How magnanimous he must be to do something like that?

However, they all knew about the many contributions Magnus had made since taking over the Andersen Corporation. If they didn't know how capable he was, his magnanimous attitude this time might have been interpreted as incompetence.


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