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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 139

"How can we start the evening without you, Mrs. Andersen? You have to be there," Magnus gently cajoled over the phone.

He wished he could immediately bring her close to soothe her, and make things right. If she wasn't there tonight, he wouldn't be in the mood to host any celebration.

"Magnus, I really don't want to go. I have plans with Lexi to discuss our participation in a French art exhibition," she explained. Their school had secured three spots for students to participate in a renowned French comic competition, and she and Lexi had applied hoping to see their friend Sabrina.

Upon hearing her outright refusal, Magnus furrowed his brow into a tight knot, his expression darkening significantly. He silently hung up the phone.

Natalia assumed he had given in, allowing her to skip the company's anniversary dinner. After school, she, Lexi, and another classmate met with their tutor to discuss their upcoming trip to France.

The Andersen Corporation's annual celebration went on as scheduled. As the CEO, Magnus delivered speeches and handed out awards. However, his mood was visibly sour, especially during the after-dinner dance party, because Natalia didn’t show up.

He sat sullenly in a corner, nursing a glass of brandy, one after another, drowning his disappointment.

Was he not affectionate enough? Was he not treating her well? How could she actually skip the dinner. Dame it!

Without her, he felt a profound emptiness. As the rest of the partygoers danced and laughed, he was alone, nursing his loneliness and frustration.

"Magnus, don't drink too much," Chase advised, noticing his friend's foul mood. Everyone knew Magnus was upset because his wife, Natalia, hadn't come.

Magnus shot Chase a glance, continuing to down his brandy and finally slamming the crystal glass on the table impatiently, "Enough with the chatter, drink with me."

"Enough, Magnus. You're going to get drunk," Chase warned, eyeing the three empty bottles on the table.

Today, of all days, Magnus couldn't afford to get drunk. The celebration dinner was far from over, and it wouldn't do for the CEO to pass out.

"Drunk? A good idea, I could use it to forget my sorrows," Magnus replied, pouring two more glasses and shoving one towards Chase, "Drink with me."

Realizing he was stuck, Chase sighed and obliged.

Everyone knew how formidable Magnus could be, and Chase wasn't eager to push his luck. He had never seen Magnus drink so much, nor had he ever seen his friend express his pain in such a way.


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