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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 141

Summoning all her strength, Natalia held back tears, "I'm not crying, I'm okay, Lexi."

Looking at the fragile yet defiant Natalia, Lexi felt a deep pang of sympathy for her. She tried her best to comfort Natalia.

"Natalia, it's okay. Maybe this is a set-up by Kendra for you to see. It's that shameless Isabella trying to seduce Magnus," Lexi awkwardly consoled Natalia, "Let's get you home first, and then you can ask him directly to avoid any misunderstandings."

Natalia glanced at Lexi, feeling lost. She smiled again, but it was a bleak smile. How could this be? If Magnus didn't want it, who could come close to him, let alone seduce him?

"It's best to ask him face-to-face. Let's get you home first. We can decide about the Comic-Con in France tomorrow," said Lexi, pulling Natalia from the wall and escorting her back to Maplewood Manor.

Meanwhile, the party continued with the usual hustle and bustle.

As Isabella managed to take Magnus to a private booth, Kendra walked in just as she was about to close the door. Upon seeing Kendra, Isabella's expression faltered, but quickly recovered knowing they were on the same side, "What brings you here?"

"Of course, to enjoy the show," Kendra walked into the booth uninvited, glancing at the drunken Magnus.

Pulling Isabella out of the booth, Kendra said, "Isabella, anything that can ruin Natalia, I'm all in."

Unsure of Kendra's intentions and fearing she might ruin her plans, Isabella asked directly, "What exactly are you planning?"

Kendra smirked, pulling out a small packet from her purse, "This is the 'fun-stuff' Lucius and I use, it's potent. I thought you might need it. That's why I brought it for you."

Isabella took the packet, her eyebrows furrowing. She asked, "You want me to sleep with Magnus, and let Natalia find out and leave him?" While she was eager for this ploy, she knew that once sober, Magnus wouldn't let her get away with it.

"Of course. It's a win-win," Kendra said, glancing at the booth with a smug smile, "Enjoy your feast. I won't keep you."

Watching Kendra leave, Isabella's heart was full of scorn. Fool, she wouldn't fall for her trap.

Tossing the packet Kendra gave her into the trash bin, she pulled out her own aphrodisiac spray. At this point, Magnus wouldn't be able to swallow any 'fun-stuff'. The spray wouldn't arouse his suspicion. Even if he got a blood test tomorrow, he wouldn't find anything. He would only blame his drunken behavior.

She slowly approached the man on the couch, his eyes closed. A smirk curled up at the corners of her mouth. This handsome man, the king of Melfort, was her ultimate goal.

After spraying Magnus with the aphrodisiac, Isabella leaned against him, trembling as she began to undo his shirt. Soon, she would have the man she had always dreamt of. The spray was designed to take effect quickly.

"What are you doing?!" Suddenly, a roar echoed through the room as the booth door swung open. Chase stepped in, scolding loudly.


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