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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 145

A sudden realization hit him. That was right, he had danced with Isabella last night! But as far as he could recall, they hadn't crossed any boundaries, had they? Could it have been an unintentional touch?

He washed off the lipstick mark with disgust.

His mind flashed back to his wife, Natalia, sobbing beneath him, looking so heartbroken. She must have seen the lipstick mark. Damn it!

His eyes turned cold.

Magnus tried his best to wash off the lipstick trace, disgust written all over his face. No one but Natalia had any right to mark him.

Isabella! Had he been too nice to her that she dared to touch him?

Having dealt with the lipstick mark, he quickly got dressed and rushed downstairs, but Natalia was nowhere to be found. His pace quickened, his voice echoing through the mansion, "Linden? Linden?"

Linden, the butler, approached with a bow, "Yes, Mr. Magnus? How may I assist you?"

"How did I get home last night? And have you seen my wife?"

Linden shook his head, "Last night? I'm afraid I don't know. I went to bed before you returned. As for Mrs. Magnus, I haven't seen her. I assumed you both were still resting after the late-night party."

A sense of unease washed over Magnus, and he quickly rushed upstairs. He opened his closet, only to find Natalia's suitcase missing, along with all of her clothes. His heart dropped. He frantically searched the room, finding her personal belongings all gone, except for the clothes he had gifted her and the black credit card he had given her, lying dormant in the drawer.

Had she left him? Where could she have gone?

This realization sent Magnus into a frenzy. He immediately dialed Natalia's number, but it was off.

He recalled spending the previous night with his friend, Chase, and decided to call him. As soon as Chase picked up, Magnus began, "Did you bring me home last night? Where's my wife?"

"Natalia? She's at home. We both helped you to your room last night." Chase replied, confused.

Magnus closed his eyes, "Where is she now? And was she upset last night?"

"Upset? I don't think so." Chase sounded puzzled, "Did you get into some trouble last night?"

"Stop with the crap, Chase. Just tell me what happened last night. Natalia is missing." Magnus snapped.

Something must have happened last night that he wasn't aware of, something that must have upset Natalia. He remembered her sobbing, and yet he didn't hold back in bed.

Damn it, he felt as if he had been drugged last night.

When Chase heard that Natalia was missing, he quickly recounted the previous night's events, "You insisted on drinking last night, and you got so drunk that you could barely walk. You danced with Isabella and she even tried to seduce you, but I managed to stop her. I drove you home afterward."


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