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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 162

He carried her downstairs without calling for Linden, placing her directly into the car and drove to the hospital.

The resident doctor saw Magnus carrying Natalia into the hospital and immediately stood up. "Mr. Andersen, please put her on the bed."

"She has a fever. Please check her immediately," Magnus pleaded, sweat dripping from his forehead.

The doctor quickly examined her. "She needs an IV immediately."

"Well, then get it started." He held Natalia's burning hand tightly.

"Yes, right away." The doctor, feeling the weight of Magnus' stern gaze, quickly stepped out to prepare the medication.

No one dared to cross Mr. Andersen, not even when he was lashing out at them for a sickness he himself caused.

When Natalia woke up, it was already the next morning. She tried to sit up but felt weak all over. The sterile white surroundings clued her in that she was in a hospital. Was she sick?

She remembered it was Magnus, that bastard, who had again forced himself to her. She felt pain all over, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Just then, the door to the ward opened and a nurse walked in. She smiled at Natalia. "Ms. Natalia, you woke up. You had a fever last night, and it was Mr. Magnus who brought you here. He seemed really worried about you."

Natalia didn't reply. She just stared out the window at the morning sun, lost in thought. She was in no mood to thank Magnus for bringing her to the hospital. She was actually feeling very conflicted. What was she supposed to do?

A maid brought in a tray of food. Natalia managed to eat a little before standing up to speak to the nurse. "I'm feeling better now. Please call the doctor so we can complete the discharge procedures."

The nurse was taken aback. "Ms. Natalia, Mr. Magnus has ordered that you stay in the hospital for two more days. You had a severe fever. He just went home to change his clothes and then to the office. He said he'd be back soon."

"I don't need him to come. I know my own body. Please proceed with the discharge procedures. I have school to attend." Natalia spoke to the maid in a flat tone.

The maid quickly went out and dialed Magnus' number to report the situation to him.

"She can do whatever she wants, but don't bother reporting such trivial matters to me!" Magnus growled into the phone.

The maid quickly apologized and hung up. She then helped Natalia with the discharge procedures. It wasn't long before Linden arrived.

"Ms. Natalia, let's get in the car," Linden said, bowing respectfully.

"No need. I'm going straight to school." Natalia was determined to go to class. She was just six months away from graduation and couldn't afford to fall behind.

"Ms. Natalia, Mr. Magnus said you're sick and should rest at home. You can go to school once you're better," Linden said gently.

"I'm going to school."


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