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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 167

Natalia's mind was still buzzing with that message she had seen. The one from Isabella inviting him to a party.

Wedding? Honeymoon? Ha! Those things weren't meant for her.

She turned to look at Magnus, who looked as handsome as ever. His mature charisma was evident in his features. His gaze was enough to send a lethal attraction coursing through any woman.

"Baby, are you missing me already? Once the baby is born, I intend to make up for lost time," he murmured into her ear.

Natalia turned away. "Magnus, are you busy the day after tomorrow? I have a prenatal appointment."

"Of course not. Even if I had something going on, I would cancel it to accompany you. Don't worry," Magnus assured her.

Natalia nodded. "Alright, let's go home. I need some rest."

"Sure." Gently, he lifted her onto the sandy beach, and hand in hand, they started their walk home.

After they reached home, Natalia fell asleep while Magnus retreated into his study to deal with some business matters. He opened his phone, only to freeze at the sight of Isabella's message. His wife had seen his message!

Isabella had invited him to her family's company's 8th anniversary celebration. Though he had initially declined, Isabella had insisted, reminding him of the six months they had spent together, and asked him to fulfill her last request.

Since she refused to take money from him, he agreed to attend the party, thinking it was just an event, nothing more.

The day after tomorrow? No wonder Natalia had asked him if he was free that day. He could accompany Natalia to her prenatal checkup during the day and attend the party at night. It was manageable, and he would just leave right after the party.

He chose not to reply to Isabella.

The party was to be held at the beach club. Magnus drove Natalia to the hospital for her prenatal checkup during the day. The doctor, with a warm smile, informed Magnus, "Mr. Andersen, your wife and the baby are doing great. It's important that she walks more. It will help in the delivery. Plus, she should maintain a happy mood."

Magnus nodded, carefully helping Natalia out of the hospital. Once she was settled in the car, Magnus caressed Natalia's face. "Honey, did you hear what the doctor said? More walks and staying happy. There's a party tonight. Why don't you come with me?" Magnus said, looking into her moist eyes.

"Is it Isabella's party?" Natalia asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"Yes, the Andersen Corporation and the Simmons Group have a collaborative project. Honey, Isabella and I are history, and my life is with you. Don't worry about anything, just focus on delivering our baby, okay?" Magnus said, gently stroking her face.

His sincerity shone brightly under the sun. Natalia wasn't supposed to ask such questions, but she had seen the message, and Magnus was aware of it.

"You should go. I'm not going. It'll be too troublesome for me in this condition. I'll go home," Natalia said, turning to look out the car window.

Magnus tried to hold her hand, to tell her he'd return soon, but the cold look in her eyes left him at a loss.

"Linden, take Mrs. Andersen back to Sapphire Island."

"Yes, sir."

As Linden's car slowly pulled out of the hospital, Magnus called Paul to pick him up. Back in his office, Magnus held his forehead in his hand. His mind was in turmoil. He attended the party at six in the evening, intending to just greet the host and leave. But as soon as he reached the entrance, Isabella rushed out, grabbing his arm. "Magnus, you're here."


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