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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 177

He remembered plunging into the sea with his wife. There was no way he would abandon her.

The door to his hospital room swung open as Morgan, Anthony, and Lillian stepped in.

Lying on the bed with his eyes wide open, Magnus stared at the ceiling. Morgan saw this, felt overcome with emotion, and rushed to Magnus’ side.

"Magnus, you're finally awake. Do you know you've been unconscious for half a month? How long were you planning on scaring me?" Morgan said as tears streamed down his face.

Magnus slowly moved his gaze from the ceiling to Morgan's face. "Where is my wife? Where's Nat?"

He tried to get up to look for Natalia, but Morgan held him down. "Your leg's broken, and you have severe internal injuries. Don't move!"

Magnus shrugged him off. "Where's my wife? I need to find her!"

Even the hardened Lillian couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy. After all, he was her flesh and blood. "Nat fell overboard...we couldn't find her...Maybe someone else did. Once you're better, we'll look for her!"

Couldn't find her? Then he would continue the search. Natalia must have been freezing in the water. He had to find her!

Ignoring Morgan's protests, he tried to get out of bed but ended up tumbling to the floor. A sharp pain shot up his leg. What had happened to it?

Anthony rushed over. "Your leg's not healed. You want to ruin it again?"

His leg had been broken again. What was he to do? Magnus closed his eyes as tears rolled down his cheeks. He remembered the moment Natalia fell into the sea, and his mind felt like it was going to explode.

“Nat, if anything happens to you, I won't survive.”

Who said men didn’t cry? They just hadn't been hurt enough.

Magnus felt a deep concern for Natalia, who had fallen into the water. He despised himself for not being able to do anything because of his injury. He looked helplessly at Morgan standing by his bed. "Grandpa, I beg you. Can you help me find my wife? I've never asked you for anything before, but now I'm begging you. Please help me find her."

Morgan shook his head. "Magnus, I've told you before, that girl doesn't deserve you. Her background is murky at best, and if it wasn't for her, my grandson wouldn't left this world. Now that she's missing, it's even better. I don't have to deal with her anymore!"

With a hard heart, Morgan spat out these words. Seeing Magnus' heartbreaking look, he hated Natalia even more. Why did she have to jump into the sea?

"Grandpa, how many times do I have to tell you before you believe me?" Magnus stared at Morgan in despair. "I love Natalia. She is the only wife I'll have in this lifetime. Do you know that the early death of our child was partly my fault? I hurt her and our baby!"

Morgan sensed Magnus' emotional state, and didn't want to upset him further. He nodded perfunctorily. "Alright, alright. I'll send someone to look for her. Don't get too agitated. You need to focus on healing your leg. This is the second time it's been broken. You can't afford another accident."

With that, Morgan left the room with Anthony and Lillian, instructing his bodyguards to continue the search for Natalia. But it had already been half a month. If they were going to find her, they would have by now. Morgan was deep in thought.

As soon as Morgan left, Dr. Frankie walked in. He saw Magnus struggling to get out of bed, and rushed over. "You can't move around like that. Otherwise, your leg that I worked so hard to set will be displaced."


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