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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 221

Magnus hadn't expected that after his confession, Natalia still rejected him so resolutely. She was adamant; she wasn't coming back to him.

Magnus felt a keen sting of hurt. It was an anguish that spread through his gaze.

He looked at Natalia. "Natalia, don't you think you’re being too cruel? All the misunderstandings have been cleared up, and we've already wasted five years. Nat, come back to us. Let me take care of you. Okay?"

He'd loved her from the beginning, and that had never changed. How was he supposed to start over?

He had chased her all the way to the UK, risking everything. He'd even nearly lost his life. Wasn't that enough to move her? What was so great about Callum? Had she fallen for that man?

"Cruel?" Natalia laughed at Magnus' words.

His confession didn't move her. Perhaps the past hurt was too deep.

Then she said firmly, "The cruelty is in fate, not me. We didn't just lose five years, but something far more important! Do you think we can go back?"

"So, Magnus, stop obsessing, and stop insisting that you still love me. I didn't just lose five years. I lost trust! I'm sorry."

From the beginning, she and Magnus weren't meant to be, but she hadn't seen it then. After everything they'd been through, she finally understood everything. It was their fundamental differences, their lack of trust, which led to this tragedy.

So, no matter what Magnus said, they could never go back to the way things were!

"I don't care, Natalia. I won't give up. As long as you come back, I'll make up for everything I owe you in this life. I just need you to tell me honestly, do you still love me? As long as we still love each other, we can be together!"

He looked at the beautiful woman in front of him. She was as beautiful as she was five years ago.

There was pain in Magnus’ eyes. He refused to believe that Natalia no longer had feelings for him. He would force Natalia to admit her true feelings.

He believed she must’ve loved him. Otherwise, she wouldn't have gone to the hotel to see him that day.

But Magnus' words shocked Natalia. Her heart pounded.

Did she still love him? She didn't know, but she didn't want to love anyone anymore.

Whether she loved him or not, she wanted to escape from him, because too many things made her hesitant to try.

She owed Callum a debt of gratitude. She had to repay it.

In the end, she could only grit her teeth, look at Magnus, and say, "You don't have to push me anymore. I can tell you clearly now that I don't love you anymore. I have my fiancé now, and we're getting married soon."

Magnus heard her words, and his hands were tightening. A storm of anger was raging in his eyes.

So she really fell in love with Callum. She really was getting engaged to him. But how could this be. he wouldn't allow it!

Natalia felt his big hand gripping her wrist tighter and tighter. She immediately pulled her hand away and stood up to leave. Before she reached the door, her slender wrist was grabbed again. "Natalia, I won't let you marry him. You're mine. You're my woman in this life!"

He picked her up and threw her onto the soft bed. His towering figure pressed down on Natalia instantly. Magnus' eyes were bloodshot, as he stared at Natalia, who was frightened beneath him. His heart throbbed.


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