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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 237

Natalia tossed a bit of cheddar cheese into the skillet, followed by a couple of slices of bacon, and waited for them to sizzle just right. The skillet crackled, and the mouthwatering aroma wafted through the air, quickly attracting Magnus.

Magnus had followed the scent and saw his wife bustling about in the kitchen, along with their son standing nearby. He felt a sense of sheer bliss.

Natalia was unaware that Magnus had come over. As she placed the pancakes onto a plate, she patiently explained to Jonas, "I used to love this. Give it a taste, and if you don't like it, I can make you something else."

"Delicious!" Jonas nodded eagerly, without even taking a bite. "Anything you make is delicious. This is your special breakfast of love."

"You little charmer." Natalia ruffled Jonas' hair and placed the plate with the quesadilla in front of him. "It's still hot, so be careful."

"Okay, Mommy, but I really can't wait," Jonas said, reaching for the fork to pick up the pancake.

But as quick as he was, someone was quicker.

Without even using a fork, Magnus lifted a piece of pancake with his hand and popped it into his mouth, not minding the heat at all. He finished it in just a few bites and exaggeratedly exclaimed, "Oh my god, this is delicious, honey, absolutely delicious."

"Daddy, how could you? That was my pancake. Mommy made it for me." Jonas was upset. His hands were on his hips as he expressed his dissatisfaction with Magnus.

Magnus was out of line. He was the adult here, and how could he snatch food from a child? Especially food that Natalia had specifically made for him.

Magnus scooped Jonas up in his arms, without much sincerity, he said, "Oh, I just wanted to taste it for you, but it was so good, I ended up eating it all."

"Hmph!" Jonas crossed his arms, clearly unhappy with Magnus' behavior.

Natalia, busy cooking, didn't expect Magnus to suddenly appear in the kitchen and childishly fight over food with their son Jonas. She was about to say something, when the housemaid entered and announced, "Mr. Magnus, you have a visitor."

Magnus, mouth full of delicious food, waved his hand dismissively. "Mm-hmm, let them in."

Natalia paused, wondering who it could be, visiting so early. But she didn't say anything else. They were in France, not Melfort, so she probably wouldn't know whoever was looking for Magnus.

With that thought, she placed another pancake onto a plate and brought it to the table.

Father and son instantly got into a squabble, scrambling for the pancakes.

"This is mine, Daddy, how could you?" Jonas, being smaller and having shorter reach, couldn't get his hands on any.

Magnus claimed all the pancakes for himself, then reluctantly shared a small portion with Jonas, seemingly realizing his actions were somewhat inappropriate. "Well, kids can't eat too much. It's not good for your stomach."

"Yeah, yeah, you just don't want to share with me." Jonas rolled his eyes. "Being humble is a virtue, Daddy, you seem to have forgotten that."


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