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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 242

After settling Jonas down, Natalia finally spoke, "Lexi, I need to run back to the mansion and check on Cal. You and Jonas can hang out here in my apartment for a bit, I'll be back soon. Could you look after Jonas for me in the meantime?"

"Sure, make it quick. And while you're there, pass on my best wishes. I've always been curious about Duke Callum, who's taken care of you all these years," Lexi responded, dismissively waving Natalia off. "Off you go, come back soon."

"Sure," Natalia replied, hurrying out the door.

Not far from the mansion, Natalia didn't bother grabbing a taxi. To save time, she went on foot, moving briskly. Luckily, the distance wasn't too great. After a while, Natalia saw the all-too-familiar mansion. She quickened her pace, eager to see how Cal was doing. Before long, she passed through the mansion's grand entrance, making her way to the main hall.

Rita was just coming out of the mansion when she saw Natalia returning. Overjoyed, she ran over, shouting, "Thank God, Ms. Clarkson is back! It's about time!"

Natalia saw the visibly excited Rita, and her mood lightened a bit. "Rita, take me to Cal quickly. What happened to him?"

"Sure, right away. But you must be prepared, Ms. Clarkson; his condition is quite serious," Rita warned, leading Natalia into the mansion.

Natalia stumbled a bit at the news. Had Cal really become incurable? Her mind was a mess. If Cal really was at death's door, she didn't know what she'd do.

The two women quickly reached Cal's bedroom. Before they even entered, Natalia could hear the distressing sound of coughing. It was Cal's voice, fractured and weak.

Hearing the urgent coughing, Natalia immediately pushed open the door.

The room was dimly lit, with curtains blocking out the light. A pungent smell of medicine hung in the air. Natalia walked over to the large bed in the room, seeing Callum's feeble figure lying on it. His face was so pale it was almost transparent.

Callum's emaciated figure made Natalia cover her mouth in shock. She'd only been gone for three days. What had happened to him?

Callum, once strong and robust, now looked skeletal. His face was sickly pale with a touch of gray, his eyes were sunken, and his lips were slightly purple.

Weakly lying on the bed, he heard footsteps and opened his eyes tiredly. Upon seeing Natalia, his mood instantly brightened. His previously dull eyes lit up as he struggled to sit up. But after a few attempts, he realized he didn't even have the strength to support himself.

The joy in his eyes turned into disappointment. Callum reached out to Natalia, his voice raspy, "Buttercup, is that you? Are you really back? I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Natalia couldn't contain her emotions any longer. She tightly held Callum's hand.


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