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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 245

Watching Natalia flee in a panic, Callum's heart sank. He knew that their future seemed even more elusive than before. He summoned Rita with all his strength, "Tell the castle's doctor to treat me immediately."

Rita happily obliged. Finally, Callum was showing some fighting spirit.

In his chamber, Callum mustered his courage. He had to get better as soon as possible to stand a chance against Magnus. He refused to believe that he couldn't win Natalia's affection if he gave it his all.

The doctor was quickly summoned, and after a thorough examination, he informed Callum that he was lucky to have passed through the critical period. However, he needed to rest and recuperate. His deteriorated health wasn't something that could be fixed overnight.

Callum disregarded the doctor's advice. "If you can't restore my strength as soon as possible, you might as well leave the mansion. I'm sure there are plenty of people waiting to become my physician."

The doctor nodded without hesitation. "Very well, your Grace. But if you wish to recover quickly, you'll need to undergo more rigorous training than usual."

"Then stop wasting time and get to it," Callum said decisively.

Compared to the possibility of losing Natalia, there was no hardship he couldn't bear!

While Callum was undergoing recovery training in the mansion, Natalia had safely returned to her small apartment. She gently pushed open the door, and a pillow flew towards her. "You heartless woman, you finally decided to come back! Do you even care about your son?"

Natalia caught the pillow with quick reflexes and chuckled at the fuming Lexi. "Well, aren't you here?"

Lexi stood up from the sofa, visibly upset. "Yes, me! You disappear for a whole day without a call. I thought you were locked up in the castle."

"Sweetie, it was just a misunderstanding. Cal was really sick, and I was just taking care of him for the night."

"Sure, you took care of him for the night and forgot about us. Natalia, you need to make a decision," Lexi said slyly.

Natalia was away for a day, leaving Lexi and Jonas in the apartment. Fortunately, Lexi knew how to cook, and the apartment had plenty of ingredients.

Jonas was also well-behaved and didn't make a fuss. If he were a troublesome child, Lexi thought she would have gone crazy. So, when Natalia returned, she didn't hesitate to throw a pillow at her.

Faced with Lexi's teasing, Natalia grimaced. "I'm sorry, Lexi. I really was just taking care of Cal. I'm not lying."

"Mummy, are you trying to find a new daddy for me? Don't you want my old daddy anymore?" Jonas, who had been playing on his tablet, suddenly asked.

His question nearly choked Natalia. What did he mean by finding a new daddy and not wanting his old daddy?

After some thought, Natalia turned to Lexi. "Did you tell Jonas something you shouldn't have? Tell me!"


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