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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 256

Lexi silently rejoiced for Natalia because she knew that Natalia was still hung up on Magnus.

"You know, when we were both still just little kids, Nat promised she'd marry me. I waited for her for over two decades, only to stand helplessly by as she left with Magnus.

“Magnus, that bastard, hurt her so badly once, and all I could do was watch. I couldn't even give him a piece of my mind.

“Oh, how I wish I hadn't gotten drunk that night. Then, I could've stopped Nat from leaving with confidence.

“But now, what is this? What's the point of all this? I messed up, how can I face Buttercup now? She just left with that jerk. I know what Magnus is like. He'll definitely take advantage of her.

“Oh, I regret it so much. If I could turn back time, I wish I hadn't gotten drunk that night. Nat, please forgive me. I didn't do it on purpose. I love you, don't leave…"

Callum mumbled to himself before slumping onto the bed, sound asleep.

Lexi sat quietly at the foot of the bed, listening to Callum's words, feeling a pang of sympathy. Another hopeless romantic, yet, he was to blame for his own misery. If he hadn't been so brutal, maybe he could've competed with Magnus.

Natalia left, and he drowned his sorrows in alcohol. But what about her? She was still trapped in this cage!

Lexi looked at the slightly ajar door, and a surge of determination rose in her heart. She needed to get out, to escape this cage!

Her heart pounded with the desire for freedom as she climbed out of bed, feeling a surge of strength. She gingerly kicked Callum's body, and when he didn't react, she knew he was finally asleep.

Time was of the essence. She had to seize this rare opportunity!

Lexi held her breath, stealthily got out of the bed, quickly moved to the door, and gently pulled it. Sure enough, it wasn't locked. Her heart filled with joy as she pushed the door open and stepped out.

Outside the room, she was dumbfounded. The corridor was lavish and opulent, with countless rooms under the ornate chandeliers. Where was the exit?

Moreover, all the doors looked the same, so how was she supposed to leave?

She couldn't stay here, or she might never get out. Lexi steeled herself and cautiously moved forward.

The corridor was long and filled with exquisite oil paintings. Lexi, being somewhat of an art enthusiast, knew that these paintings were at least three to four centuries old and worth a fortune.

If it were any other day, she would have definitely taken pictures of these precious paintings. But now, all she could think about was escaping. She needed to move faster to leave this nightmare before anyone noticed her.

But, after passing more than a dozen rooms, she still couldn't find the exit. Even looking back, she couldn't remember which room she had come out of.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps approaching from not too far away. Lexi instinctively pressed herself against the wall and moved forward. She couldn't be found, or she'd be locked up again.

The footsteps got closer, and Lexi realized that if she had moved faster earlier, the exit would have been just a bit further.

But now, where could she hide?


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